Anyone know of a Dresden Files PbtA hack?

Anyone know of a Dresden Files PbtA hack?

Anyone know of a Dresden Files PbtA hack? I’ve started reading the novels and really like them so I checked out the RPG but it uses the FATE system (which I just can’t seem to wrap my head around). Like any setting, things work better with PbtA 🙂

17 thoughts on “Anyone know of a Dresden Files PbtA hack?”

  1. Iacopo Benigni Urban Shadows fit perfectly. You can find a perfectly fitting character from the books for every single playbook. Only thing you’d be missing would be rules to cover the style of magic from the books – which has sooo many cool aspects to it.

  2. Well US doesn’t really have rules for ANY magic. It’s all wrapped up in Let It Out. So if you want your magic to be like Dresden Files, you just need to narrate it that way.

  3. I heartily second, third, move, carry, and endorse the abuse of Urban Shadows for this, although it’s more Dresden-flavored than anything else…in the same way that Monsterhearts is Twilight-ish and Monster of the Week is Buffy-like.

    Having suffered the slings and arrows of the D-man’s MCing, I can also endorse use and abuse of Dresden World. Delos does good work. (His quickstarts are brilliant.)

  4. Interesting. From the Urban Shadows site: Urban Shadows is an urban fantasy roleplaying game … like The Dresden Files, Angel and Supernatural.” I’ll have to check it out. That and Monster of the Week. Thanks all!

  5. To me it depends on what you are wanting for the Dresden Files game. If you want to emphasize the politics of it (War between the White Council and Vampires, War between the Summer and Winter courts, Power struggles in the White Council and White Court of Vampires, etc.) then Urban Shadows is what you should look to.

    If you want to emphasize the specific case work (hunting the werewolves that are killing humans, the black magician that is going on a crime spree, the theft of the summer knight’s mantel, etc.) then you might be better off with Monster of the Week.

    Either way both are very good options.

  6. Thanks for the plug for Dresden World. I wrote that a while ago, hoping to really make something of it, but after I got a C&D for some other project, it kind of took the wind out of my sails for doing hacks of licensed IP projects. Feel free to ask any questions about it. I never did get to play it sadly, so it’s untested.

  7. Robert James TBH, I’m not sure (almost done with Book 1 so I’m not familiar with the wars you reference.) I just like the idea of non-fantasy settings that have magic systems. I think the finicky, open-ended nature of a magic system would fit really, really well with a PbtA game engine.

  8. The wars and other items I referenced from the political side are the repercussions of book three on the world at large. In many ways there are two stories going on throughout the series. The first is the actual case, and the second is the power plays of the rival factions in the world.

    The first two books mostly cover the cases, but the third makes the transition to both being important.

    It is hard to say much about this without giving away spoilers, so I will stop here.

  9. Seibei Was looking it over and I think it’s too campy for me. I’m taking a deeper look at Urban Shadows. It seems dark enough to cover what I’m trying to find. Not sure what that says about me 🙂

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