Things I learned hacking the Apocalypse:

Things I learned hacking the Apocalypse:

Things I learned hacking the Apocalypse:

– Basic moves should do all the work. Do not use enablers, like you need Improved X to make it work as expected.

– Jobs on the team roster are rarely a good basis for playbooks. Better ask: who are you? What do you want? Why are you here?

– Invent a mechanic showcasing the interactions between the PCs. This is area where PbtA games differ the most. Note that showcasing is not the same as resolving. A good question to start: What kind of group is this?

What do you think? Have you come to similar conclusions or albeit different ones?

10 thoughts on “Things I learned hacking the Apocalypse:”

  1. I still can’t figure out how to hack it. I’ve tried my hand at creating a couple moves based on the advice in Dungeon World, but the mechanical structure just escapes me.

    Which is odd, because I don’t have any problems actually using them in play.

  2. Sounds right to me, 1of3​​. I’ll agree also with T. Franzke​​ that your Agenda and Principles should come first, but I would change the order on basic moves. Put them in last.

    Figure out the game you want, write that bit, then figure how people relate (Hx, Debts, Strings) and write that bit, and afterwards you can look at what moves you need to be the teeth for the cogs.

  3. I’m usually critical about advice of “do this first, then do this”. Because you will revise no matter what. I tend to do basic moves before the playbooks, because playbooks regularly refer to basic moves, if only by allowing alternate means. But really, it’s wise to revise.

    What I wonder: How do you approach storms, fronts or other parts of preparation for the MC?

  4. Totally revise. Totally reconsider. What I’m getting at is that I feel the theme of the game should come first, from your brain into A&P, and then into moves. I feel like starting with moves would put a structure in place that may not be the best fit for the game you want.

  5. Yes, as Toby Sennett says, you’ll need to revise whatever original order you use. Playtest, look at how the agenda, principles, and moves worked in play, tweak and playtest again.

    For MC preparation, play the game and then think back on what did you need during play that you hadn’t done (and what prep did you do that wasn’t needed).

  6. What is the goal of you game?

    Write ways to achieve that goal.


    The goal of Cowboy World is to tell stories about interesting characters in conflict, set in the Old West.

    How do I make the characters interesting? What tools do I have to do this?

    How do I create conflict? What tools do I have to do this?

    Old West? Which genre of Western stories do I wish to emulate?

    Moves are just one tool to reach those goals. You have to look at the whole PbtA toolbox.

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