Is there any intended difference between the +magnification and +amplification tags for gear? Fraser Simons

Is there any intended difference between the +magnification and +amplification tags for gear? Fraser Simons

Is there any intended difference between the +magnification and +amplification tags for gear? Fraser Simons

They feel pretty similar to me.

4 thoughts on “Is there any intended difference between the +magnification and +amplification tags for gear? Fraser Simons”

  1. It’s all just fictional positioning, usually amplification I use for people with cyberized ears for better hearing and magnification for eyes. People should feel free to make any tags they want, I know Lowell Francis has a much more comprehensive list of tags for when he plays!

  2. Ok, so just flavour and choose the one you find more appropriate for the fiction. That’s ok to me, but I was wondering if I was losing some meaning because of my non-native english.

    Thanks for the answers.

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