We’ve been playing a few sessions now and I just really, really like this system!

We’ve been playing a few sessions now and I just really, really like this system!

We’ve been playing a few sessions now and I just really, really like this system! I hope you (or someone) adapts it for pure fantasy.

I think the most genius thing that separates it from other PbtA systems is Face Adversity. Being flexible with that move seems crucial, and I love it!

The only thing I would change is that my players rarely use Assessment, but love the “Deduction” move. Other systems (like Dungeon World) allow their “investigate” move to force the GM to reveal the truth about a lot of different topics, I think Assessment could be tinkered to provide that support: players love forcing the GM to reveal things, and it’s good for the GM too!

I have a simple FBH rules question: is “Lay on Hands” supposed to buff “Alchemy” and “Inscribe,” since those moves also use “Patch Up?”

3 thoughts on “We’ve been playing a few sessions now and I just really, really like this system!”

  1. As written, the GM ought to be revealing truths about things when the Assess move is triggered! Significant info on a 10+, and Interesting info on a 7-9. In this way, it’s akin to the Spout Lore move of Dungeon World.

  2. I think playing a fantasy campaign with UW can be easily done. Properly done with the FBH supplement, which has careers recognizeable as templates for typical fantasy rpg classes, as well as supernatural powers

  3. Glad you’re enjoying it! I’d love to see a pure fantasy version of UW, though it may cleave a bit too close to Dungeon World (which greatly inspired it).

    Assessment should indeed be a form of investigation.

    Quick and dirty rule: If the players ask a question about the world, and it’s easy to see/find out, the GM should just tell them. Be honest. Be open. Fill the world with cool things. And occasionally turn it around and ask the character what they see, or ask another character to answer the question.

    If the information they seek would require some sort of legwork (investigation, interviews, experimentation, exploration, etc) then it requires an Assessment roll.

    And yes, absolutely, Lay On Hands was designed to interact with anything that uses Patch Up, such as Surgery, Repair, Upgrade, Alchemy, Inscribe, etc. Lay On Hands + Alchemy = Full Metal Alchemist 🙂

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