Please give some examples of tasks you’ve assigned Divine characters operating under the orders of their “Boss from…

Please give some examples of tasks you’ve assigned Divine characters operating under the orders of their “Boss from…

Please give some examples of tasks you’ve assigned Divine characters operating under the orders of their “Boss from Beyond”. I just want to get a feel from how this plays out. I get it in theory, but want to see some in practical application. Cheers.

3 thoughts on “Please give some examples of tasks you’ve assigned Divine characters operating under the orders of their “Boss from…”

  1. Had a Divine who was trying to influence/protect the Spooky not to work with the local Brujo. While having a helpful veneer, the Brujo was up to no good and trying to get a worthy sacrifice (the Spooky) to bring about the end of the world.

  2. I was in a game where the Divine rolled poorly, and the Boss from Beyond ordered them to kill a person who was planning to sign an agreement that would, eventually, give rise to horrible violence.

    As i recall, it was clear that the target had not done anything particularly bad yet, and did not intend the violent outcome. But it was convenient timing for the Boss from Beyond to head this off now, since the Divine was in the area.

    It caused a great moral dilemma for the Divine, who eventually decided to disobey.

    For a miss, and somewhat for a 7-9, this move should force the player to wrestle with these sorts of questions about their character.

    The trick is in keeping it fun and provocative, so that we’re exploring the character more deeply, instead of simply making the player uncomfortable.

    And, of course, we want to provide a pathway back for the Divine if they choose to disobey. It’s no fun to simply pull this away for good.

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