Watching NXT as they brought up the ‘controversy’ of Eva Marie failing to kick out, I knew they would start a corrupt ref program.
She clearly has the Special Snowflake move, and keeps rolling 10+ on it.
Watching NXT as they brought up the ‘controversy’ of Eva Marie failing to kick out, I knew they would start a…
Watching NXT as they brought up the ‘controversy’ of Eva Marie failing to kick out, I knew they would start a corrupt ref program.
She clearly has the Special Snowflake move, and keeps rolling 10+ on it.
Man. Watching ECW hardcore tv is so frustrating with their generic music replacing the original music the wrestlers…
Man. Watching ECW hardcore tv is so frustrating with their generic music replacing the original music the wrestlers used to come out to.
Has anyone else been frustrated with NXT leading up to TakeOver tomorrow night?
Has anyone else been frustrated with NXT leading up to TakeOver tomorrow night?
There’s some matches I’m super excited for, but all of the lead up has been pretty annoying, week after week, we have the big name stars facing unknown guys.
Bayley vs Banks: little to no build up.
Samoa Joe vs Baron Corbin: little build up.
Lyger vs Prince pretty: little build up, we just knew about it for a while.
It feels like the only two that have had decent build up are Owens vs Balor, and the Tag titles match!
Normally, I’d not care as much, but I’m more invested, cause I get to see it live with cool friends. and I’m excited for the matches, but for their first TakeOver event outside of Florida, the lead up has been less than stellar compared to so much stuff they have done before.
Man. Remember when Damian Sandow was on tv? What happened to those days?
Man. Remember when Damian Sandow was on tv? What happened to those days?
So. I’ll say it, I ended up being disappointed by Battleground last night.
So. I’ll say it, I ended up being disappointed by Battleground last night.
There were some great matches, like the Tag Match, and the Women’s match. And then there were matches I just couldn’t get into like Reigns and Wyatt. (which had a great ending); as well as Orton/Seamus.
Then there were matches I was super into, and was let down by weak finishes(Owens/Cena; Lesnar Rollins)
So what are most people’s thoughts. Aside from you Nathan Paoletta we all know what an “apologist” you are
Nathan Paoletta Does the Season One Athlete move: “FAN BASE” have a typo in it, like the Giant does?
Nathan Paoletta Does the Season One Athlete move: “FAN BASE” have a typo in it, like the Giant does?
It says on a 10+ gain 1 momentum, and they start your chant, should it also say Before spending momentum?
It came up during the weekend and rolling a nine, to spend one, to get possibly 3 back seems broken.
So This is always a question I’ve had. The PROVOCATEUR’s STRANGELY CAPTIVATING move.
So This is always a question I’ve had. The PROVOCATEUR’s STRANGELY CAPTIVATING move.
Roll Look instead of Real when you are the sole focus. Does this only apply when they are the sole focus and breaking kayfabe? Cause If you are the sole focus and cutting a promo, aren’t you already rolling look?
So, as people might remember, a while back I said I just wasn’t that into Kevin Owens on NXT.
So, as people might remember, a while back I said I just wasn’t that into Kevin Owens on NXT.
Well, I’m still not. On NXT he bores me. But his stuff with Cena? I love that, He is so much more interesting to me there. I think that’s more that he’s filling the underdog slot, cause Cena is never the Underdog. Him being the unstoppable monster of NXT just doesn’t work for me.
Oh My God people. If this happens. Yes.
Oh My God people. If this happens. Yes. love John Cena’s open challenge, but what are the odds he actually loses the title in an open challenge?
I love John Cena’s open challenge, but what are the odds he actually loses the title in an open challenge?
Cause that’s what I want most of all.