Listening to the most recent podcast about character death, I realised that while Legacy has rules for character…

Listening to the most recent podcast about character death, I realised that while Legacy has rules for character…

Originally shared by Jay Iles

Listening to the most recent podcast about character death, I realised that while Legacy has rules for character death (triggering a Death Move and creating a relic that lets family members use one of the character’s moves) it didn’t really have space for mourning. I’ve sketched out a move to try and explore the space of returning from the wasteland and breaking the bad news to a fallen character’s family – what do you think?

When you return a relic to its holder’s family, you may spend time with them telling and hearing tales of the deceased character’s life and final moments. If you do, the family’s player picks one:

– Their family gives your family 2-Treaty.

– Your character is now treated as a member of both families for all purposes.

– Their next Character will help your Family with one task.

I realized today that the show Into the Badlands could be a recolored game of Legacy with a little drift – each…

I realized today that the show Into the Badlands could be a recolored game of Legacy with a little drift – each…

I realized today that the show Into the Badlands could be a recolored game of Legacy with a little drift – each player taking on the role of a Baron, their family, their clippers, and the like.

The only thing you’d need to adjust: except for the Baron, whenever a character for a family is needed, it has to be played by another player. This ensures that basically every interesting character is in some sort of conflict with their Baron.

I guess you’d just need some custom moves for wushu PvP fights 🙂

Hello Legacy fans!

Hello Legacy fans!

Hello Legacy fans! Douglas Santana and I are hard at work on the revised edition of Legacy. One of the major changes so far is the addition of Quick Characters. See the attached playbook and description below, and let me know what you think!

Sometimes you’ll want to play out a particular character’s actions in detail, but the fiction makes it implausible for the other major characters to be involved. Other times, you might not want to build a full character for a particular age, and prefer something simpler. In these circumstances, you can instead use Quick Characters.

Quick Characters still use the Character basic moves, and have Force, Lore, Steel and Sway, but have simplified playbooks. They inherit a stat line, a move and gear from their Family, enabling them to be generated quickly.

We haven’t written up the family side of this completely yet, but as an example, the Enclave of Forgotten Lore would have:


Add +1 to Lore or Steel


Take gear according to your Surplus investment (more on this later), +1 to Data or Outfit.

Inheritance Move options:

Radio Rig: Can sense when Tech is within a mile, and track it down to within 100 metres.

Pain Box: You have a device that causes intense pain in anyone within a few dozen metres (melee, nonlethal, area, hi-tech).

Survey drone: You can roll +Lore with Wasteland Survival, so long as your trail is visible from the air.

Hot Rod: You have an exceptionally fast vehicle (land-based, Might 1 Chrome 1 Brawn 0), and can move points between its stats with 15 minutes of tinkering.

Educated: If you give advice to somebody based on your knowledge of the Before, they take +1 Forward.

In celebration of Legacy hitting Platinum bestseller (top 0.6%) and Echoes of the Fall hitting Gold (top 1.71%) I’ve…

In celebration of Legacy hitting Platinum bestseller (top 0.6%) and Echoes of the Fall hitting Gold (top 1.71%) I’ve…

In celebration of Legacy hitting Platinum bestseller (top 0.6%) and Echoes of the Fall hitting Gold (top 1.71%) I’ve put them both at 25% off for the next week!

Originally shared by Jay Iles

Just spotted that Legacy hit platinum bestseller and Echoes of the Fall hit gold on DriveThruRPG over the weekend! This is a pretty huge milestone for me as an independent publisher, and to celebrate both Legacy and Echoes are 25% off for the next week.

If you’d like to add weird tech, a faction level focus or a multi-generation story to your post-apocalypse go take a look!

So I’m about to start up the first session of a new Legacy campaign tonight and I’m pretty excited.

So I’m about to start up the first session of a new Legacy campaign tonight and I’m pretty excited.

So I’m about to start up the first session of a new Legacy campaign tonight and I’m pretty excited. I ran a single session of this a while ago as a ‘Con game and it went pretty well but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for things to watch out for unique to Legacy. In particular I’m wondering how people feel it’s best to run transitions between the character/family levels. Just from my reading through I almost get the impression of a more story-telling game-style flow. The GM introduces a broad situation that is evident across the homeland and all of the players take turns setting up a scene to indicate how their family is responding, and any that end up overlapping will interact directly. I’m concerned that this might lead to a lot of me talking to one player will the other two wait politely for their turn.

Thoughts, or am I concerned over nothing?

As requested: another example of play for Legacy, touching on:

As requested: another example of play for Legacy, touching on:

As requested: another example of play for Legacy, touching on:

– Family Moves.

– Treaty trading.

– Shifting from Family to Character scale and back.

– Death moves!

Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see detailed.

House Rule!

House Rule!

House Rule!

In our ongoing “Solar Flare” campaign, two players decided to keep playing with their Characters in a new age. They had very positive Backstories for starters. So I decided that if they could write one more Bond with each other they could roll with Advantage once when their ally would Call for Aid.

Any thoughts?

How often Characters form alliances that stand the test of time? How often Characters play more than one age in your games?

Hey all – favor to ask. Will any of you please post an example or two of combat in Legacy?

Hey all – favor to ask. Will any of you please post an example or two of combat in Legacy?

Hey all – favor to ask. Will any of you please post an example or two of combat in Legacy?

Question- the world of the legacy game I am running is wracked by a psychic maelstrom from the Fall.

Question- the world of the legacy game I am running is wracked by a psychic maelstrom from the Fall.

Question- the world of the legacy game I am running is wracked by a psychic maelstrom from the Fall. One of the players asked if he could be essentially the Brainer or Savyhead from Apocalypse World. The Savyhead I have paralleled to the Scavenger but Brainer I can think of anything.

Is there any opinions how i can represent something attuned or talented in the tapping of the Maelstrom?

As the turning of ages brings 2016 to a close and takes us into a whole new year, I’m pondering what direction to…

As the turning of ages brings 2016 to a close and takes us into a whole new year, I’m pondering what direction to…

As the turning of ages brings 2016 to a close and takes us into a whole new year, I’m pondering what direction to take Legacy in.

The game is something I’m very proud of, but people consistently seem to have issues with the character /family divide. Particularly, how you shift from the character level to the family level and back again, and how to arrange things so you don’t have endless scenes of character X in their own talking to their family. As I’m starting work on writing the revised edition, I thought I’d present some possible solutions to the community and hear your thoughts!

First up, keep things basically the same as they are now, but better explain the desired flow of the game and add a lot more examples of play.

Second option is to add in strict Family and Character phases, and rewrite moves where needed so that all Family moves have roughly the same scope and timescale, as do Character moves.

Third, focus much more on one side of the game. Maybe remove character playbooks and have each family give some simple character templates to choose from, or maybe simplify family playbooks down to just the effect they have on your character.

Finally, you probably have your own ideas. Let me know what they are!