I’m starting a campaign next month where I’d like to blend concepts from Worldfall with concepts from the base game.
I’m starting a campaign next month where I’d like to blend concepts from Worldfall with concepts from the base game.
For some context, we’re basing the campaign concept on stories like the Coldfire trilogy (C. S. Friedman) and Amatka (Karin Tidbeck), where the planet is psychoreactive. The Worldsoul as the GM Cabal is really perfect for this! But, our campaign is more humans learning to survive with this strange planet and its manifestations of their fears than Worldfall is meant for, so I’d like to take some of the more combat-oriented elements of base Legacy.
Most of this can be handled narratively, but I’m struggling a bit with mixing and matching Cabals & Families, specifically around the mechanics of Reputation vs Treaties, and coming up with Inheritance moves since inheritance mechanics are more stripped down in Worldfall, and adding “How do you fight?” “How are you defended?” questions.
Have any of you blended these playbooks together? How did you reconcile the mechanical differences?