Do you prefer superhero settings where all the “super” comes from the same source (i.e.

Do you prefer superhero settings where all the “super” comes from the same source (i.e.

Do you prefer superhero settings where all the “super” comes from the same source (i.e. all the X-Men and their villains get their powers from being mutants) or settings where lots of different power sources mix freely (i.e. the Avengers include science, magic, mutations and more)?

I have a question regarding marking specific conditions. The Peripheral Moves for Conditions states the following:

I have a question regarding marking specific conditions. The Peripheral Moves for Conditions states the following:

I have a question regarding marking specific conditions. The Peripheral Moves for Conditions states the following:

“Sometimes the GM may tell you a specific condition to mark, especially after a hard move.”


“If you need to mark a condition and have no more conditions to mark, you are taken out.”

So what happens if the GM tells a player to mark a condition that’s already marked? Should the GM just change it to an unmarked condition instead?

Or for the case of something like the Beacon’s vulnerability move, where it says “if they deny it, mark Angry..” what happens if Angry is already marked? Do they mark Angry or some other condition?

‘Power Level’ in Masks

‘Power Level’ in Masks

‘Power Level’ in Masks

In general we don’t care about the power level of our heroes in Masks right? I mean look at the Nova.

However, there is something that occurred to me. How you fictionally set up your character can have a huge impact on the general power level in your game.

Let’s have a look at the Legacy and the Protege. When you are playing Kid Flash you inherit all of the Flash’s rogues. When you are Superboy you get Luthor with an eye on you. If on the other hand you are the new Question or training with Luke Cage the stakes are much smaller.

Another aspect of this are the “When the team first got together” questions. When the notable foe you defeated is The Trapster that is different than let’s say Venom. It sets a certain tone and expectation for the team.

Have you found the same to be true in your games?

Hey guys. I bought Masks a while back. I’m currently playing in two games, and loving it.

Hey guys. I bought Masks a while back. I’m currently playing in two games, and loving it.

Hey guys. I bought Masks a while back. I’m currently playing in two games, and loving it.

I had a quick question about the Bull Move:

Punch everyone: Whenever you charge into a

fight without hedging your bets, you can shift

your Danger up and any other Label down.

From my reading of this move, the shift is permanent, ie the Shift doesn’t reset after the fight. Am I reading that correctly?

Running a one-shot set during an Alien Invasion this evening.

Running a one-shot set during an Alien Invasion this evening.

Running a one-shot set during an Alien Invasion this evening. Will be a test to see how it goes. The idea is to run this like a a a tie-in issue to some big comic event.

Really happy to run Masks again.

Newbie question: if a doomed character changes playbooks do they keep their doomsigns as moves?

Newbie question: if a doomed character changes playbooks do they keep their doomsigns as moves?

Newbie question: if a doomed character changes playbooks do they keep their doomsigns as moves?

My group are frothing at the prospect of playing this game!