I saw some one had posted a link to an online writing tool/idea organizer that looked perfect for my writing style.

I saw some one had posted a link to an online writing tool/idea organizer that looked perfect for my writing style.

I saw some one had posted a link to an online writing tool/idea organizer that looked perfect for my writing style. So I signed up for it. Now I don’t remember what it is called or where the original link was (here or reddit). It looks like what Michael Sands post about his MotW supplement looks like with folders and subfolders. PLEASE, Help me find it.

I’m going to run my first MotW short campaign (4 to 6 weeks) starting in about three weeks and I have too many ideas…

I’m going to run my first MotW short campaign (4 to 6 weeks) starting in about three weeks and I have too many ideas…

I’m going to run my first MotW short campaign (4 to 6 weeks) starting in about three weeks and I have too many ideas to get a handle on them. One idea that has really intrigued me is that old game trope “everyone wakes up in a strange place with no memory of who they are or how they got there” and introduce history as memories that come back over time. Is that even possible with this game? Would it work or should I just give up and go in another direction. I am completely open to advice here!

For clarity, it’s a very experienced, creative bunch of players so THEY could handle it, but I’m not sure if the mechanic allows for that.

Hey guys! Long time reader, first time poster.

Hey guys! Long time reader, first time poster.

Hey guys! Long time reader, first time poster.

Question for groups with one or more remote members: what is your preferred setup?

One of my players is moving a few hours away, so I’ve ordered a nice widescreen webcam and a conference microphone for our next session. We plan to hook up a laptop to a television and broadcast our remote player’s webcam feed on the big screen. I’m toying around with using Roll20 or another similar program meant for remote play. However, I’ve also seen some groups using Skype or Facetime to similar effect.

Any tips or things to watch out for?

Positive 2018 review from a computer games review site…the reviewer may still be a bit confused by tabletop rpgs,…

Positive 2018 review from a computer games review site…the reviewer may still be a bit confused by tabletop rpgs,…

Positive 2018 review from a computer games review site…the reviewer may still be a bit confused by tabletop rpgs, but its nice to see the game may be finding new fans…


MOTW Syllabus?

MOTW Syllabus?

MOTW Syllabus?

Hi all, I was just wondering if there is a Monster of the Week “syllabus” similar to the Dungeon World syllabus that collects resources the community has made for running the game. Does it exist and is just hard to find, or does it not exist at all?

If it doesn’t exist, is it just because the community is much smaller, or is there some fundamental difference between DW and MOTW where similar resources wouldn’t be useful (or due to licensing differences…I know MOTW isn’t creative commons)?

It seems like a single document could include things like mystery starters, sample monsters, example questions to ask for each playbook, actual play samples, etc. I think it would reduce the barrier to entry for MOTW significantly.

Thanks in advance!

Michael Sands Hi, I am currently working on a Moves SRR ( system resource Rep) this is a searchable tool for…

Michael Sands Hi, I am currently working on a Moves SRR ( system resource Rep) this is a searchable tool for…

Michael Sands Hi, I am currently working on a Moves SRR ( system resource Rep) this is a searchable tool for keepers in the Keepers Fellowship Discord. ideally this will lead to the building of a Hunter Wizard tool that lets you select a playbook, make all your choices then export a populated play sheet or share with the keeper.

Question: how can I acquire your permission to share the texts of Moves from the rulebook? currently ( only I can see it ) the moves database show the name of the move, it’s type, it’s source/author.

currently only I can see this tool, but I would like to share it with all registered members of the Keepers Fellowship Community.

Last week I started an impromptu set of MotW, specifically involving a machine that cranked out inexpensive…

Last week I started an impromptu set of MotW, specifically involving a machine that cranked out inexpensive…

Last week I started an impromptu set of MotW, specifically involving a machine that cranked out inexpensive companions from a supply of magical love roaches. This week’s began with an investigation into several driverless cars (of suspiciously improving condition) with murderous impulses around an abandoned airfield in south Florida.

And both have allusions to a big bad that looks like an eyeball atop six legs with runes and symbols carved up and down their length.

Now, here’s the kicker: “Big Bad” is kind of a double-entendre here—not only is the thing lurking in the background causing all the trouble, but it is pretty close to one hundred feet tall. The final confrontation with it should be a chaotic mess of high-level spell-slinging and car chase, preferably on a four-lane highway running through the city. It’s turning out nice so far…

Any tips on how to run a short story arc (~4 sessions) in the Evil Dead universe?

Any tips on how to run a short story arc (~4 sessions) in the Evil Dead universe?

Any tips on how to run a short story arc (~4 sessions) in the Evil Dead universe? Obviously, monsters would be demons and their minions every session. Which isn’t “monster of the week” like. Maybe lesser monsters leaving a trail of bread crumbs to a watcher in the woods boss?