Fans looking for a current monster hunting show for inspiration could do worse than Grimm; a show that could easily…
Fans looking for a current monster hunting show for inspiration could do worse than Grimm; a show that could easily be played as a Monster-of-the -Week campaign. It just ended a respectable six year run and five of the seasons are currently free to watch on Amazon, and I’ll bet the last season will join soon.
As far as things still on the air I’m a fan of iZombie and it could inspire a MotW universe as well. I think past seasons are currently free of that show on Netflix.
And who could forget Supernatural which directly inspired MotW? That show may outlive me…
As for upcoming shows I have big hopes for STARZ’s American Gods, based on my favorite Neil Gaiman novel…
What television shows can you recommend for Monster of Week inspiration?
Hi, everyone.
Hi, everyone. I’m just now branching out into the Apocalypse World games after meeting Dungeon World. Being a big fan of the TV show Supernatural and the Monster Hunter International books it is only logical, and a matter of time, before I found Monster of the Week. I plan on starting a game soon.
I thought I’d go ahead and share some monster sources I’m thinking about “borrowing” ideas from….
Gurps Creatures of the Night
The Esoterrorists – The Book of Unremitting Horror (Gumshoe version)
Hunter the Vigil – Horror Recognition Guide
With this plethora of information I think I can keep things… interesting… and have the players and the characters meet things out of the ordinary run-of-the-mill monsters.
Mark Tygart – Just as with your DW ideas, I have saved all your Mysteries to look over and use. Thanks!!!
I know that there are some more complex Character Sheets in this community but I had need of a simple 1 page version.
I know that there are some more complex Character Sheets in this community but I had need of a simple 1 page version. Think of it as a paper version in electronic form. No calculations or anything fancy, just a form for you to fill out.
Not sure if anyone else has need of a very simple CS but I wanted to share it. I adopted the look from Lachiel Vaher ‘s Roll20 sheet. I really liked it and thought it flowed well.
Progress Update: roll20 MotW sheet project.
Progress Update: roll20 MotW sheet project.
I have had Partial Success in getting my Sheet Design imported into Roll20.
standard fields are working, but my font style and images are not working.
I am skipping ahead to Repeating Sections,
Fix Image Display ( logo etc… )
Enable Accordion Display Right Side
Enable Main Display TAB Nav and Moves Screens
Create Play Book mode for character initial setup and enhancement
Work in Progress, character sheet for Monster of the week.
Work in Progress, character sheet for Monster of the week.
I am working start a weekly MotW game on R20, but noticed there isn’t an officially supported MotW character sheet, even though there are for most PBTA games. so I though i’d give it a go.
this is a work on progress but I am getting close on the general HTML/CSS design. I will start wiring it up as a live sheet tomorrow.
feedback welcome.
right hand column sections will be collapsible and include
Tags ” general text elements the keeper or player can add “
Holds ” number of holds and text field for what it’s for “
Improvements ” level, and all improvements chosen so far “
25 Greatest Unsolved Mysteries Ever
Great film history series on Youtube….
Great film history series on Youtube….
So, both of the original characters in my MotW campaign have reached the point where their only advances left were…
So, both of the original characters in my MotW campaign have reached the point where their only advances left were retiring or changing playbooks.
So The Professional is now the Expert and the Chosen is now The Initiate. We’ve used the Initiate’s sect to further describe the Agency mystic division.
In addition, we’ve converted an NPC into a new PC in the form of an Italian police inspector whose been running her own investigation since the second mystery (she hasn’t been seen since then but her actions off screen have been causing occasional trouble for the group). She’s now the team Flake and is way behind even the The Exile who joined about the fifth or sixth mystery.
Hey all
Hey all,
I recently started a new campaign that I’m running for my wife and three kids. This is the first time I’ve run this game, and mostly their first story-based RPG.
The first session went fairly well, but my weak spot was definitely my lack of pre-planned locations. I was definitely prepared to improvise wherever they wanted to go, but they don’t really have enough experience/genre-immersion to figure out where they wanted to go.
How do you guys pick locations, and how many do you generally have? Do your players improvise locations well, or do you have to guide them in their investigations?