We played an Xmas special last night in which the team took down a particularly vile Santa Claus, The North Pole…

We played an Xmas special last night in which the team took down a particularly vile Santa Claus, The North Pole…

We played an Xmas special last night in which the team took down a particularly vile Santa Claus, The North Pole proved to be a horrible place full of horrible people. If none of your hunters receive Xmas presents this year feel free to blame my group! 😛

Recently my hunter, a Monstrous Were-Panther, picked up Unquenchable Vitality as new move. UV reads as:

Recently my hunter, a Monstrous Were-Panther, picked up Unquenchable Vitality as new move. UV reads as:

Recently my hunter, a Monstrous Were-Panther, picked up Unquenchable Vitality as new move. UV reads as:

Unquenchable Vitality: When you have taken harm, you can heal yourself. Roll +Cool.

On a 10+, heal 2-harm and stabilise your injuries.

On a 7-9, heal 1-harm and stabilise your injuries.

On a miss, your injuries worsen.

It seems counter intuitive that a move that heals you has the chance to injure you more. Now it does not say take harm on a failure, but I was thinking more along the line of taking a 0 harm move when you fail. How have others handled it?

Hello everyone I am looking for Keeper’s to run Monster of the Week on my twitch stream,…

Hello everyone I am looking for Keeper’s to run Monster of the Week on my twitch stream,…

Hello everyone I am looking for Keeper’s to run Monster of the Week on my twitch stream, https://www.twitch.tv/jamescuk I am still a small streamer, but am growing channel, I am trying to do a show called Chambers of Roleplay http://chambersofroleplay.com/ and would like to get some GM’s to run some games, I do require you to have a decent webcam and mic. Looking to do games around 8pm to 12am GMT. Please contact me if you’re interested.


Ran a con game today, and tried something new I thought worked pretty well.

Ran a con game today, and tried something new I thought worked pretty well.

Ran a con game today, and tried something new I thought worked pretty well.

Something I steal from Bryanna Hitchcock is starting with describing a TV show credits sequence and asking the players to provide what quick moments of their characters in action we see. This time, I made an obvious continuation, saying “Previously, on Monster of the Week” and said we’re now seeing the climax of their _last_adventure, when they’d finally tracked down the HellPuppy summoned by the 11-year-old necromancer to an abandoned factory, and playing it out, assuring them that the experience they rack up during this flashback would be real, but the damage would be gone by the next episode and we know they survived, so I encouraged them to take risks.

Afterwards, we began the mystery proper. So they got to get a taste of the system and combat straight out of the gates and some XP to boot.

Howdy, folks!

Howdy, folks!

Howdy, folks! I’m a brand, spankin’ new Keeper and I had a couple of questions from things that came up from my game last night. One of them is a call that I’m 95% sure I made right, but I want to check myself. The other is a ??? to me that might be in the rules somewhere, but I’m missing it.

— First Question —

I described one of my monster’s attacks as going after our Expert and then asked our Monstrous (who had been jumping to do a next something) the opportunity to act. He described using his freaky weird powers to shut down the attack. I ruled that to be a use of Protect Someone. He clearly wanted it to be a Use Magic roll, but I felt the fiction he was describing was clearly to protect the Expert.

I’m 95% sure I made the right call, but as a newb, I want to make doubly sure.

— Question B —

Partially due to protecting the Expert and partially due to three 6- rolls, the Monstrous ended up taking about 5-harm in that fight. The Monstrous sheet has no mention of taking armor in your usual options – but they asked after the fact if they could just pick up a battered, leather jacket providing 1-armor.

The Monstrous has no reason not to have some money laying around for that kind of thing, so this seems like a straightforward case of “just buy it” from page 114, but I wanted to check myself before I wreck myself.

Want to hear Michael Sands talk about Monster of the Week and then run a short bit of Actual Play?

Want to hear Michael Sands talk about Monster of the Week and then run a short bit of Actual Play?

Want to hear Michael Sands talk about Monster of the Week and then run a short bit of Actual Play? Check out this episode of +1 Forward, a podcast powered by the apocalypse!

