Just rebuilding my Dresden Files character from a few years back as an MotW character.
Just rebuilding my Dresden Files character from a few years back as an MotW character.
Initial – The Spooky
Acacia Tanaka
The daughter of a yakuza assassin and an unknown, potentially otherworldly man (suspect was Hades). She did her best to stay out of the affairs of her family and generally only got into adventures due to the demands of the ghosts that knew she could see them. Or friends that knew of her powers.
Charm -1 Cool -1 Sharp +2 Tough +0 Weird +2
The Sight
The Dark Side
Mood Swings
Take a Mundane move: Always the Victim (the campaign started with the other players snatching her out of work after driving through the library wall and from there she spent lots of time being kidnapped by one group or another, her family included)
Take a Spell-slinger move: Third Eye (seeing ghosts was constant but the sight by DF terms was a thing)
+1 Weird
+1 Cool
Take a Spooky Move: The Big Whammy
Change playbooks – spell-slinger (since our original sorcerer dropped out, Acacia upgraded from minor ectomancer to full sorcerer.)
Drop the Dark-side. Drop the Big Whammy for Combat magic
Combat Magic – Wall, Necromantic/Spirit, Earth/Magnetism (wasn’t a necromancer by DF terms but people thought she was)
Tools and Techniques – Foci (Phurba ritual knife and spirit bell), Gestures, Incantations (Sanskrit)
Not my fault ( said this so often it became an aspect )
Practitioner – enchant paper spell charms and paralyze foes
Go big or go home.
Take another combat magic pick – Blast.
Spell-slinger move – Advanced Arcane Training