To what degree (if any) is the MC justified in asking a player to take a Mark as the consequence of a 6- even if the move doesn’t normally call for one?
I did this recently under these circumstances: one of the PCs was sent with an NPC scrounger to get back a couple of drums of motor oil that the 218th had made off with. The NPC brought the PC (Masha) to a Jewish community hiding out in the woods near Krasnodar; the plan was for the NPC to exchange some barley the PCs had scrounged up for luxury goods that could be used to scrounge back some motor oil. While they were there, Masha decided to do some scrounging of her own. I asked what she was going to trade with, and her player said that since we had established that Masha was a physician in civilian life, she’d trade medical treatment for goods.
The PC then managed to get a 6-, so I said to take a Mark in addition to the other consequences; this seemed to fit, since the condition of the refugees was pretty terrible and probably would shock a reasonably compassionate physician. I don’t feel that was necessarily the wrong call (it was following the fiction), but I’m curious as to what other people feel about using Marks as a consequence, given that there’s no specific MC move to do that.