Hi Everyone.

Hi Everyone.

Hi Everyone. I’ve been working on an AW hack set in an alternate roman empire where magic and myth are real. Quickstart rules are up for free at http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/208332/Ruma-Dawn-of-Empire-Quickstart-Rules

Still playtesting and working on some of the mechanics (especially the magus playbook), but am planning on a kickstarter to start on May 2nd.

Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

Let me know if you might be interested in writing a playbook or two, and/or if a POD edition of this ‘final’ draft…

Let me know if you might be interested in writing a playbook or two, and/or if a POD edition of this ‘final’ draft…

Let me know if you might be interested in writing a playbook or two, and/or if a POD edition of this ‘final’ draft is something you might be willing to bring to your table…

Originally shared by Davide Pignedoli

So, this is far from a finished project, but since it has been on hiatus for a while and the closed-playtest was good enough, I thought to put it out, for free (PWYW).

It’s a beta, but playable.

It’s very crunchy, but rewarding.

In a few words, it is as close as I managed to get with AW to the style of ASOIAF.

I know this is enough to trigger the interest of many of you.

Then you’ll look at the files, and be like “Oh, there’s 6 batches of files to print and 150 pages to read for a beta… I’m out of here!”

So, yes, it’s 150+ pages to read.

Ok, with illustrations and all, not too dense… and you know a lot of it already, but still, 150 pages, for a beta.

Plus there’s a bunch of stuff to print.

And you need scissors and glue at the table, to literally put the pieces of the game together.

Oh, did I mention it has a rotating Game Master, so everyone must read the rules once?

Why do I have the feeling that I am not selling this right? 🙂

(Now, if you actually read the manual, rules are not too complex; the print material is a lot because there are many options, but comes into play in small amounts; there can be just one reading the rules and directing all the others while they take on the role of GM, like in most games with a rotating GM… so it’s technically not impossible to enjoy this beta. What did you say? Challenge accepted?)



I’ve just published two AW-inspired card games!

I’ve just published two AW-inspired card games!

I’ve just published two AW-inspired card games! They’re pretty far drifted from core Apocalypse World, inspired by Dream Askew – there’s no GM and no randomiser, and instead players use a limited pool of tokens to boost moves. Both games have been designed to get you roleplaying as soon as possible, with Fiasco-like character goal setup and mechanics to build and resolve character subplots through the 2-hour or so session. If any of that sounds interesting, go take a look – or I’m happy to talk more about them here!

Originally shared by Jay Iles

I’ve just made What Ho, World! and Wizards Aren’t Gentlemen publicly available! These games are one-shot zero prep comedy games, compressed down into a 90-card deck that fits in your pocket.

Loosely based on the Apocalypse World engine, What Ho, World! tries to evoke Wodehousian humour: feckless gentlemen of leisure, dependable servants and meddling great-aunts.

Wizards Aren’t Gentlemen, on the other hand, takes its inspiration from Jack Vance and Terry Pratchett – naive apprentices, squabbling wizards, and scheming demons bound into service!

Both games are available on Amazon (https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dtoys&field-keywords=ufo+press+storytelling&rh=n%3A468292%2Ck%3Aufo+press+storytelling) or Print-on-Demand at DriveThruRPG (https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse/pub/6097/UFO-Press/subcategory/19570_27513/Hijink-system). I’ve also uploaded YouTube videos talking about what the deck contains and how to play the game – see attached.

I’m very proud of them, and I hope you take a look!


Browsing Rock, Paper, Shotgun for my gaming news, and I came across a review of Rain World.

Browsing Rock, Paper, Shotgun for my gaming news, and I came across a review of Rain World.

Browsing Rock, Paper, Shotgun for my gaming news, and I came across a review of Rain World. As is my custom of taking a whisper of detail and spinning it into a horrendous sequence of, “so that means…” how about an apocalypse where when it rains, people die?

In Rain World, you have to hibernate between the rains. You have to gather food as you make your way across the landscape, and when you get the warning signs, you have to get inside a box to protect yourself before the deluge takes you.

As an AW setting, why can’t people live on boats or barges or floating platforms? What effect would intermittent superstorms (mostly just rain, little wind) have on a landscape, your ability to produce food, travel and settlement?




After a long time in development, it’s time to grab your camera bag and meet me in Hollyworld!

We have launched a 1 week Kickstarter for our game Shelter, this is exclusive to Kickstarter and will only be…

We have launched a 1 week Kickstarter for our game Shelter, this is exclusive to Kickstarter and will only be…

We have launched a 1 week Kickstarter for our game Shelter, this is exclusive to Kickstarter and will only be available by pledging, it will never be available outside of the KS.

The Game is set in a war torn city in the near future where you are trying to survive amongst the ruins, against enermy troops, snipers, drones, gangs and other survivors.



After some playteststs, I have reworked my Star Trek hack. Editing is still rough.

After some playteststs, I have reworked my Star Trek hack. Editing is still rough.

After some playteststs, I have reworked my Star Trek hack. Editing is still rough.

What’s in there:

– Completely redone basic moves

– Playbooks are more about your origin and now include: Agent, Politician, Maverick, Boomer, Alien, Soldier, Sensitive, Superior, Former Enemy, Researcher

– Every character in addition gets a specialty in a basic move.

So Kirk is a Maverick with an exploration specialty.

Crusher is a Reasearcher with medical specialty.

Paris is a Maverick with specialty in flight control.

– I have included a mechanic for moral. I’m especially interested what you think about that one.
