Mission Impossible: Fallout was basically a master class in interesting 7-9 and miss results.
That is all.
Mission Impossible: Fallout was basically a master class in interesting 7-9 and miss results.
Mission Impossible: Fallout was basically a master class in interesting 7-9 and miss results.
That is all.
New (spanish) program on the air.
New (spanish) program on the air.
This time we focus in one-shot games, including games in conventions. Tips and tricks for MCs who want to play one-shot #PbtA games.
#podcast #rol #ExitoParcial
Ruben saldaña
Originally shared by Oscar Iglesias
Dedicamos el 8º programa a los one-shots, las partidas de una sola sesión para probar sistemas o las que jugamos en jornadas.
Y un repaso a todas las novedades del mundillo #PbtA
#podcast #rol #ExitoParcial
Con Ruben saldaña
Has anyone seen a PbtA game that uses the following mechanic:
Has anyone seen a PbtA game that uses the following mechanic:
w3d6+stat – roll 3d6, take the worst two dice, add stat.
b3d6+stat – roll 3d6, take the best two dice, add stat.
The idea would be used similarly to how the worst/best of damage dice is used in Dungeon World, but in a game where damage is expressed similarly to the Apocalypse World harm mechanic.
If you’ve seen it, please let me know what game uses it so I can have a look. If you haven’t seen it, let me know what you think.
Special program recorded in the “Tierra de Nadie” convention.
Special program recorded in the “Tierra de Nadie” convention. One of the greatest geek meetings in Spain. RPGs, LARP, videogames, boardgames…
We review the event and focus in the RPG, more precisely in the PbtAs games.
5% of all the games offered (13 from aprox. 260) were PbtA related ones.
Do you think these are few?, a lot?
How are PbtA games doing in your area?
Originally shared by Oscar Iglesias
Desde el equipo no nos tomamos vacaciones, o bueno si pero seguimos pudiendo grabar aunque se nos note el cansancio.
Ya está disponible nuestro primer especial Fracaso Parcial desde las jornadas TdN.
#podcast #rol #PbtA #ExitoParcial
Con Ruben saldaña en Tierra de Nadie
I think I’ve figured out how to do shields and magical armour/weapon magic in my Glorantha Hack, but could use some…
I think I’ve figured out how to do shields and magical armour/weapon magic in my Glorantha Hack, but could use some extra pairs of eyes on it.
It’s based on standard AW conventions for weapons, harm and armour. A decent sword or axe can do 3 harm and a decent set of the best armour gives 2 amour. The premise is that using a shield should effectively give you an extra point of armour in some circumstances. You can also get up to a+1 harm and/or +1 armour from magic. Within those assumptions I need a system where no character is ever completely invulnerable.
Fight in Close Combat
When you fight in close combat, nominate an opponent
within reach with which to exchange Harm as established,
then roll+Might. On a 10+, choose 2. On a 7-9, choose 1. On a miss, they choose one against you:
•You inflict terrible harm (+1 harm).
•You suffer less harm (-1 harm, or -2 if you have a protective weapon).
•You ignore armour provided by any protective weapon they are using such as a shield.
•You gain the advantage: take +1 forward, or give +1 forward to an ally.
•You force them where you want them.
•You seize or hold some objective by force.
•You win free and get away
•You force your way through
[weird strikeout fixed]
Shields have the ‘protective’ tag. NPCs with a protective weapon get +1 armour by default, but note a PC can negate that using the move. Conversely PCs must take a pick on a hit to gain the extra protection of a shield.
I think this does what I want. The most armour an NPC will have is 4 armour (2 mail, +1 magic, +1 shield). But a character with a 3 harm sword and no magic can on a 10+ negate the shield and inflict terrible for 4 harm against the 3 remaining armour.
Conversely a PC with 2 armour mail and +1 armour magic is still vulnerable against a 3 harm adversary. On a miss the PC gets no protection from the shield and the opponent can inflict terrible for a total of 4 harm.
Can anyone see any problems? Better ways to do it? The move is a bit of a kitchen sink, but spitting it creates its own problems IMHO but maybe there’s a way?
Final hours to back RPG “Ancient Worlds: Atisi” crowdfunding!
Final hours to back RPG “Ancient Worlds: Atisi” crowdfunding!
Can someone suggest some Magic Girl games?
Can someone suggest some Magic Girl games? My daughter wants to play something Sailor Moon related (yet I know I’ll probably surprise her with some Madoka Magica in the end).
Running the ‘Hood by James Mullen at Gencon … the group killed.
Running the ‘Hood by James Mullen at Gencon … the group killed.
“there are more general agendas and principles that you hopefully follow whenever you get together with other people…
“there are more general agendas and principles that you hopefully follow whenever you get together with other people to play a game.”
Interested in everyone’s feedback on this. In particular, are there any “social level” agendas & principles that you think I’ve missed? Any I’ve included that you don’t agree with?
Do you see some similarities? This is Vampire 5th edition 😛
Do you see some similarities? This is Vampire 5th edition 😛