Watching House of Cards makes me want to write a hack about scheming politicos in DC.

Watching House of Cards makes me want to write a hack about scheming politicos in DC.

Watching House of Cards makes me want to write a hack about scheming politicos in DC. I think it could very easily be done… hell, you could basically run it as Monsterhearts.




I’m new to this group, but a big fan of AW. I’m from Brasil, so my english is not so good, sorry for that! =]

I don’t know if there is already a Discussion about this in here, but I’m very curious about the best questions that you guys pose as MC, when someone opens their brain to the psychic maesltrom!

Some times, in the heat of the play, I don’t came up with some really good questions. Some times, their are great! I know that the best approach is to dig deep into the characters issue, but I’d love to hear from you, some inspirational stuff!



So, the deal with Hx.

So, the deal with Hx.

So, the deal with Hx. I get that it is a driving mechanic in that in influences character improvement. It seems weird that it resets when you hit certain thresholds. I thought about it a bit, and based on how Hx is changed, it seems like whenever you hit a threshold, it’s like you learned to look at someone in a new way. And then you have to re-evaluate what you know about that person.

Does that seem close to how it was conceived?

I might be running Apocalypse World for my gaming group as an alternative to our AD&D game.

I might be running Apocalypse World for my gaming group as an alternative to our AD&D game.

I might be running Apocalypse World for my gaming group as an alternative to our AD&D game. Or it might be Dungeon World.

My question is, will having only two players be a problem? Has anyone had experience running either game for small groups? Any tips or insights?

when creating new playbooks, and during the initial Hx distribution, how do you determine what gets said during the…

when creating new playbooks, and during the initial Hx distribution, how do you determine what gets said during the…

when creating new playbooks, and during the initial Hx distribution, how do you determine what gets said during the player’s turn, and what gets said during others’ turns? is there a formula or guideline for this? how am i supposed to be looking at it?

Tired of watching all the other warriors slay the Orcs?

Tired of watching all the other warriors slay the Orcs?

Originally shared by Nicholas Bronson

Tired of watching all the other warriors slay the Orcs? Dream of gold and glory, but the adventures all happen in the middle of the work-day?  Did the barmaid laugh at your weapon proficiency – short sword?  Can’t help with the last, but if you’re in the Asia Pacific time zones and you want your tabletop rpg fix, you owe it to yourself to join us here at APAC headquarters.

We’re all about helping people in the APAC zones organise their online rpg games, with games running the system gamut from independant story-based games like dungeon world, to the modern gaming of Pathfinder, to the OSR fun of old-school traveller and retroclones.  Theres something for everyone, pass the word!

I feel kind of kind of bad.

I feel kind of kind of bad.

I feel kind of kind of bad. My friend has been running (or trying to run) an All Flesh Must Be Eaten Campaign. Couple of weeks in and a few of the more flaky members of the campaign dropped, and he asked me to run a one-shot while he got things together, and found replacements for them.

I figured I’d run a game of AW, drop advancement to 4XP and see what happens. Two players (including the new player) have both said they’re more interested in playing AW than going back to the Zombie Apocalypse game he was running. 

I’d be lying if I hadn’t kind of hoped people would like AW better than AFMBE as a system, but still I feel like a bit of a jerk. Plus, I’m already running a game ( #Monsterhearts ) on Fridays, so I’d kind of rather be playing on our Monday night sessions, not running them. Should I “force-lend” him my book, and maybe point him at one of the Zombie-Apocalypse hacks? Keep running the “better game”, hijacking his campaign?