Hey, just wanted to bounce a question off you guys, and that’s how you handle the Unstoppable Force character as a…

Hey, just wanted to bounce a question off you guys, and that’s how you handle the Unstoppable Force character as a…

Hey, just wanted to bounce a question off you guys, and that’s how you handle the Unstoppable Force character as a MC asset. Like the terminator, or the hitman from No Country for Old Men. In other words, the Killer, but instead of with the party, coming to get them.

Obviously, you’d make this guy a Threat, with his own threat clock (How long till he finds what or who you care about most), harm clock, and maybe some flavorful custom moves, in addition to some scary weapons, powerful cyberware, and thick armor.

The sticking point I’m having trouble moving past is how to resolve the mechanics with the fiction when it comes to the inevitable showdown, when Killer meets Killer as the clock is about to strike midnight.

I feel like Mix it Up just isn’t the right move to use to resolve this, as it doesn’t really account for this guy’s status as a Bad Dude… a character with a good bonus is just as likely to get past him as they are some bottom-sprawl gang trash. The first thing that pops into my head is to put a penalty on the roll when Mixing it Up with him, but that feels wrong to me.

And what about the killer’s Serious Badass? Can badasses stare down other badasses into shaking and cowering? I feel that following the fiction would lead me to say, “You stare him down, but as you look into his cold steel eyes, you see the same look being shot right back at you.”, and then denying their move. But that’s not really fair to the player, is it?

Or maybe the PCs are meant to be the only big badasses, and threats like this don’t fit into this game? Im new to PbtA games in general, so perhaps I’m just missing something altogether. Thanks for any guidance you can give!

Is there a place where non-Kickstarter backers can download the sheets?

Is there a place where non-Kickstarter backers can download the sheets?

Is there a place where non-Kickstarter backers can download the sheets? I can’t find any character sheets, move lists, MC sheets, etc. Am I missing something? Hamish Cameron

Jesse R​ – I got the Sprawl man. So far it looks awesome. I’ll let you know if I run a game.

Jesse R​ – I got the Sprawl man. So far it looks awesome. I’ll let you know if I run a game.

Jesse R​ – I got the Sprawl man. So far it looks awesome. I’ll let you know if I run a game.

Hitting the road to playtest Touched with Steve this afternoon. I’ll be tweeting it from @thesprawl_rpg.

Hitting the road to playtest Touched with Steve this afternoon. I’ll be tweeting it from @thesprawl_rpg.

Hitting the road to playtest Touched with Steve this afternoon. I’ll be tweeting it from @thesprawl_rpg.

The new Mix It Up is my jam as a MC.

The new Mix It Up is my jam as a MC.

The new Mix It Up is my jam as a MC. I felt like the .6 version was really clumsy, and now I have my team willfully advancing the action clock and dealing harm to themselves and each-other! Hamish, your experience designing moves really shines in this release. Now, the two hardest moves that I can use against my players, my players use against themselves! When they’re especially loud and careless, it really starts racking up the pain and ratcheting up the clock. I love it!