Hi everybody and sorry for my bad English, it’s not my native language :-)

Hi everybody and sorry for my bad English, it’s not my native language 🙂

Hi everybody and sorry for my bad English, it’s not my native language 🙂

How much action do you have in your Legwork Phase?

I am the MC and I have a PC who is Hunted by a Threat. I introduced it in play as a results of Get The Job move as players didn’t choose “the meeting doesn’t attract attention” option.

During Legwork Phase PCs noticed they were followed by this Threat and their reaction was strong, so we had a very intense (and cool) action scene.

Did I do anything wrong? It’s supposed the Legwork Phase to be strictly the mission preparation time for PCs mission, and nothing else should be seen in action? Do I have to use actively Threats only during the Action Phase?

I had some problems with making Legwork and Action Clocks properly visible for the players on the table.

I had some problems with making Legwork and Action Clocks properly visible for the players on the table.

I had some problems with making Legwork and Action Clocks properly visible for the players on the table. So I made this and put some improvised tokens on it. Maybe you will find it useful too!



I started a Sprawl campaign with some buddies last weekend, called Cybernetic Dolphin.

I started a Sprawl campaign with some buddies last weekend, called Cybernetic Dolphin.

I started a Sprawl campaign with some buddies last weekend, called Cybernetic Dolphin. It is set fully in a west coast Gibsonian future. It is being posted as a podcast under the Alcoholic Adventure Cabal feed, with guildies from the Advance After Combat wargame podcast. Session 1 was just world building, character creation and a short opening scene, we’ll pick up again in about 2 weeks. It is full of juvenile humor, explicit language and booze, so definitely not for everyone, but maybe it’s of some interest here.

Edit: We finished up, and I think the mission turned out okay. It will definitely spin into more stories. We also changed hosting, so I’m updating the links.




Sprawl story from last Sunday.

Sprawl story from last Sunday.

Sprawl story from last Sunday.

So we started off sometime last year, I think? It’s been a while. Played a bunch of missions, it was rad, but some interpersonal breakdowns meant that the group had to be rerolled and someone replaced. But we decided to continue playing in the same universe, with unfinished threads from the original campaign still dangling loose and old characters having cameos every now and again.

We brought in a new guy, who did not have much RPG experience, but is a cool guy with a lot of potential. Unfortunately, the characters we made for the new session tended to suffer from meme overload, partly because the new guy was not housebroken yet and this had a ripple effect on the rest of the bunch. I tried rolling with it, couldn’t, failed miserably. So after a few months of not playing I threw a bit of a tantrum and talked everyone into de-memeing their characters, and everyone decided that’d be for the best and actually the easiest way is to just kill them off. So we played a session where we did just that.

Except for ech0 the Hacker.

Ech0 was the most normal of the entire party, and his shtick was solely that he was a huge no-life and had a sweet bike. So when at the end of the mission where everything went wrong, the bike was taken in by Lucky Land Communications’ hit squad and he spent all of his Cred on getting out of Japan and shipping himself to Berlin, where he spent whatever he had left on a new bike. He is now at 0 Cred.

And as we all know, that’s a perfect excuse to mess with a player.

So right now he’s living in an old capsule hotel for gastarbeiters with a bunch of angry Turks who can’t get citizenship for five generations now. He keeps the lights on by troubleshooting at a tech bazaar on Prinzstrasse. Nobody respects him, nobody knows him, and for all his posturing the only “hacking” jobs he could get were through Mr. Wizard the Tech, back when he worked for the police (he’s since been severed after getting shot at fried his comms implant and the force has been privatised anyway).

So Bill Lowrey the Infiltrator goes to get the job. And, as it turns out, his contact Klaus has a corporate extraction all lined up! You need to pull a woman out of the Bayer-GSK arcology on the west side of the Berlin Wall. Then clone a transponder chip she has implanted in her and stick it in a genetically-identical corpse to feign her death. Luckily, she has a twin sister, except nobody knows where she is. But I already lined up a crew for you, Bill!

Meet Blazej the Hunter, a cool, solid professional. He’s a Pollack, but what can you do. He’s on the team to find the missing girl.

Then there’s Mr. Wizard the Tech. Ex-cop. He’s gonna help you build an interface for the chip! (Klaus neglects to mention Mr. Wizard is not a cybernetics specialist.)

Obviously, you’re also gonna need a Hacker, right? To write the software. I got you a Hacker! A great Hacker! Her name’s Terzi Basha. The girl is amazing. Although a Turk. But you can rely on her!

Oh, and there’s also this expendable errand boy. Goes by ech0. I pay him just enough to pay the rent, but it’s okay, he’s so transparently illegal if you think he’s acting up just call immigration services and he’s at Lampedusa before the weekend.

And this little setup worked perfectly. Ech0 has a huge chip on his shoulder and it’s so damn transparent everyone else is actually scared he’s gonna pull off something stupid. The first thing he does is go dig for dirt on Terzi. He keeps trying to pull everyone into his little harebrained schemes to undermine her, and everyone sees it. He also volunteers for jobs he has no business doing just to get anyone to respect him. Bill, who’s supposed to be the chief of the crew, does not trust him at all.

Thus when, after three real-time hours of crying wolf, he actually finds a tracking bug in his motorcycle gas tank, everyone roundly tells him to go fuck right off.

There’s also the story of how Bill went to a luxury German brothel to see if the missing sister is there and moved the Legwork clock three segments in the process, but that’s for another time.

I ran The Sprawl at Acadecon last weekend.

I ran The Sprawl at Acadecon last weekend.

I ran The Sprawl at Acadecon last weekend.

The table had one seasoned PBTA vet and three first timers.

Playbook selection and character creation took a bit longer than I had anticipated, and we went ended up going about 10 minutes long. (I’d budgeted an hour for game creation, and we took an hour and a half).

The group consisted of a Soldier, a Killer, a Pusher, and a Driver.

The Soldier got to make a plan, The Killer got to kill, The Pusher got to recruit, and the Driver got to steal a garbage truck. There was sneaking around in the dark. There was betrayal. There was violence. There was dancing.

If I had it to do again I’d push them a little harder during creation phase, I’d chrome it up a bit more, and I’d work harder to get the Driver and his chariot more involved.

All in all, I think it went pretty well, but because we went long I didn’t get a chance to source the table for feedback.

That said, here’s the The Interview

I’m still in the process of character generation for my live Twitch-based game, but I’m actually having a lot of fun…

I’m still in the process of character generation for my live Twitch-based game, but I’m actually having a lot of fun…

I’m still in the process of character generation for my live Twitch-based game, but I’m actually having a lot of fun using technology for background monitoring as well.

So far I have two videos up so far of play here: http://bit.ly/SteelSeraphYoutube

I stream the game here: http://twitch.tv/SteelSeraph

One of the elements one of my players suggested for organization was bringing all of our non-stat information into Trello, so I’ve built out three boards that are working surprisingly well.

The first, open to the players, is a general world board, where I give ideas of what the world in general looks like, based on their descriptions of the corporations, and the world as a whole (picture 1).

The second is my general notes board, keeping a lane for each player and questions regarding their background that I explored in character creation (picture 2).

Lastly is my Plot Radar (repurposed wholly from @dungeonbastard :)), which explores what elements I want to bring to the forefront now or in future missions. I’m looking forward to meshing all of this together!

Stop by sometime if you want to watch, and see my flub my way around running the game 🙂

Ran a pick up game of The Sprawl at the Millenium Falcons, Southampton Guild of Roleplayers last night.

Ran a pick up game of The Sprawl at the Millenium Falcons, Southampton Guild of Roleplayers last night.

Ran a pick up game of The Sprawl at the Millenium Falcons, Southampton Guild of Roleplayers last night.

Used the Kurosawa Extraction from the book with some corporations that we brainstormed. Game went well as three of the players soon got the hang of how things should work and only one had some problem grasping the concepts behind a PbtA game.

The team opted to hit the convoy on the access road to the airport (I was describing a cross between the access road from the M4 to Heathrow and the access road to Washington DC International) so straightish road with grassy areas either side. The plan was for the bunch of Thugs who formed ‘Handsome’ Johnson’s posse to act as a distraction while the Driver and his three vectored thrust panzers attacked the armoured limos having been transported nearby under a tarpaulin on a flat bed truck.

The action opened with the minibus full of Arsenal supporters driving across the median to cut off the first limo throwing smoke grenades and lager cans. The panzers (the player opted for three vehicles the same for odd reasons – he said why not and I thought it would be fun in a one off game) then attacked with a rocket at the first limo – it missed. The second panzer fired another rocket and this damaged the first armoured limo and the third panzer used a magnetic grapple to stop the second limo.

The Arsenal supporters then attacked again and threw lager cans at the windshield of limo #2. The windshield cracked and they took some damage from the assault rifle armed security guards. The Killer then got into the act and blew away the security goons but took 1 Harm damage as his armour kept out the assault rifle fire.

The armoured limo keep out the crew until the Killer blew the door off. Mitchell was dragged off to the nondescript vehicle they had waiting as the vectored thrust panzers left in a hurry. One of them took an anti-materiel rifle round to the engine and blew away the police SWAT team with a rocket in reply.

As the team exited they saw the road blocked by the two gangs of South American drug cartels members who they had arranged to turn up and grab each other’s latest shipment. This had slowed the police response and stopped anyone else getting through to the scene.

Excellent ideas from the team included Fast talking a contact in the traffic department to arrange the traffic lights going to red after the convoy went through ala Italian Job. Also getting a contact, Frank the Tank, to supply the flat bed truck transporting the covered panzers and Fast Talking a police department contact to find out about the drug gangs.

A great session and much enjoyed.