There is a location where I can get the “roll20 wallpaper” with clock to play The Sprawl, like roll20 video about…

There is a location where I can get the “roll20 wallpaper” with clock to play The Sprawl, like roll20 video about…

There is a location where I can get the “roll20 wallpaper” with clock to play The Sprawl, like roll20 video about the game (even it isn’t in French langage)?

Fantasy Races Hack here:

Fantasy Races Hack here:

Fantasy Races Hack here:

Like many people, I’ve hacked up some fantasy race rules for my The Sprawl game. I’ve tried to avoid the traditional +1/-1 mechanics for fantasy races. I’m hoping the tags on each race will help shape the ficton in ways that are interesting and fun.




+thermographic vision

Starts with cyberware “muscle graft” without installation/storyline



+low light vision

Move – Play the Game:

Use Meat instead of Edge when you play Hardball.


+thermographic vision


The Network

Move may be during legwork phase once per mission

7-9: gain [gear] from a dwarf contact, choose one below:

It costs you some Cred

Your contact needs a bigger than normal Favor

Your “aunt” hears about your request. Advance the action clock 1 step.



+low light vision

Glammer and Duggy

On a 7-9 with Hit the Street you only choose 1 negative result instead of 2



Standard Issue

Humans get a free +1 links with all other humans they’re working with. They get very defensive about this if you mention it to them.

Hey Hamish and other MC’s

Hey Hamish and other MC’s

Hey Hamish and other MC’s,

I’ve just started MCing the Sprawl and we’re having a great time. However, I was having trouble making life interesting for our Hacker. Looking at the main series of Matrix moves, I noticed a chain that doesn’t really give the opportunity for the MC to make netrunning very interesting. Example: Sypher has Programming on the Fly, Programs: Manipulate & Lockdown, +2 Mind, +2 Synth (which means that he’ll only be missing 1/6th of the time). Sypher Jacks In (7-9) and he chooses his own complication, which he can immediately solve with a hit on Console Cowboy. He then gains 3 Hold with Compromise Security on a weak hit, allowing him to activate enough routines to get the job done and still have left over to deactivate any ICE on any future misses.

For the Compromise Security (Mind), Manipulate Systems(Synth) or Search for Paydata (Mind) moves, I would propose the following and am interested in feedback.

10+ 1 hold

7-9 +1 hold, but choose one:

*Passive Trace

*ICE is activated

*Alarm is triggered (advance mission clock)

I would also suggest that you cannot spend hold to cancel an alarm (if clock is advanced it stays advanced) or deactivate ICE (use Melt ICE).

What about combining Login and Console Cowboy into one roll?

Login (Synth)

10+ Choose 3

7-9 Choose 2

*Avoid a Passive Trace

*ICE isn’t activated

*Access isn’t restricted (restricted: -1 ongoing to Matrix Moves)

*Alert isn’t triggered

*Gain +1 hold over Compromised security or Manipulated Systems

Console Cowboy: +1 choice even on a miss when making the Login Move

I know that I as an MC I can use other player’s misses to make Moves in the Matrix, but that takes away opportunities to make the missers lives interesting…

I’ve been listening to the Friends at the Table Sprawl podcast and they are using a wagering mechanic for how much a…

I’ve been listening to the Friends at the Table Sprawl podcast and they are using a wagering mechanic for how much a…

I’ve been listening to the Friends at the Table Sprawl podcast and they are using a wagering mechanic for how much a mission pays. I couldn’t find anything about that in the book, so is that something that was part of the pre-release edition they were using and later got removed, or am I just having a bad time finding the relevant section? From what I can tell, the final edition just leaves payment as an open-ended parameter, presumably established by the fiction.

Hey, I’ve just noticed a discrepancy: the Hunter Playbook sheet says he gets two core moves and picks one, while the…

Hey, I’ve just noticed a discrepancy: the Hunter Playbook sheet says he gets two core moves and picks one, while the…

Hey, I’ve just noticed a discrepancy: the Hunter Playbook sheet says he gets two core moves and picks one, while the rulebook says he gets two and picks two. Errata on either?

Sharing corporate logos is a fun idea – we haven’t actually played yet but here’s what came out of our…

Sharing corporate logos is a fun idea – we haven’t actually played yet but here’s what came out of our…

Sharing corporate logos is a fun idea – we haven’t actually played yet but here’s what came out of our world-gen/character-and-corp-creation session. As well as corporations, we each defined one important area of Capital Sector.