More inspiration for cityscapes and backdrops:
More inspiration for cityscapes and backdrops:…
More inspiration for cityscapes and backdrops:
I’m wondering how people use maps in their games.
I’m wondering how people use maps in their games. I’ve always been very reluctant to draw out maps for my players as I feel they have the potential to stifle their imagination of an environment. They can be very useful though, especially when describing combat positions.
I’m thinking of putting together a world map for my players to give them a frame of reference as to where they are at in their sprawl. However it would not be the traditional ‘top-down’ birds-eye map.
Whenever we play cyberpunk games I like to emphasize how vertical the the city is. I like it when gravity plays a large role as one of the dangers the players face on the daily.
I’m thinking of drawing up a sideview map so that my players know how high or low up in the city they are at any given time since it seems to be a common thing we discuss at our table.
Thoughts on maps? Any map-making freeware recommendations?
Let’s talk about “inaccesible partition” and “satellite relay”.
Let’s talk about “inaccesible partition” and “satellite relay”. If I don’t misunderstand, they are negative tags. Like cortex bomb. Am I right ? So I feel strange they are present like options PCs can choose when creating an equipment (wich will never happen). I guess they are ideas for the MC. So I guess if PCs don’t want to go under the knife to avoid any immediate risk, they can ask corpos, they won’t make the move and avoid any Cred cost, but they will be +owned and maybe the MC will add one of the following tags : inaccessible partition, satellite relay, or cortex bomb. Am I right or totally away from the concept ?
Just picked this up and it will be my first Powered by the Apocalypse game.
Just picked this up and it will be my first Powered by the Apocalypse game. So far, I think it’ll be the game that really sells me on the system…I’ve got way too many games on the table to try out right now.
So, third game of the Sprawl.
So, third game of the Sprawl. I had only two players (two friends who visited me and I hit 10+ when Convincing them to Play a New Game).
Something hit me : the limitation for the Declare a Contact move. I understand why, but I wondered on how to make this coherent with the fiction. One of the player said “Ok, but my character is clearly running the Sprawl for some times now, he is not new in town. He must know someone else.” Basically, he intended to buy some gear for the mission, but he already had declared a contact who could not help him on this one.
I could have answered “Yes, you know lot of people, but no one who could help you for this one”. But it would have not satisfied us.
So, instead, we agreed on the Act under Pressure move : he spread word on the street that he needed something fast. He got a strong hit, so I let him have another contact and then Hit the street with him.
Watch’all think ?
Looking through the Tech Playbook Areas of Expertise, Some say you have and some say you begin with.
Looking through the Tech Playbook Areas of Expertise, Some say you have and some say you begin with. If you take an advance gaining a new area of expertise that says you begin with do you not get that with the advance or do you gain the full benefit whether you take it a character creation or as an advance?
Other Places is a YouTube series about digital environments, and they just put up a video for Deus Ex: Human…
Other Places is a YouTube series about digital environments, and they just put up a video for Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
Certainly good mind-fodder for The Sprawl. Might be cool to just put this up on the TV and let it loop during play, too.
Thanks Chris Call for the sweet game aids!
Thanks Chris Call for the sweet game aids!
Back again !
Back again !
Where can I find an official playbook sheet ?
Is it possible to have the layout to help me making a traduction for my french players ?
Some little things :
– p132 you talk about the tag numerous, but in p131 about shuriken and throwing knives, you use the tag infinite.
– grenades use the tag gas, but there is no description of it (and I assume it’s missing because you describe every weapon tags).
There’s now an RPG Item of The Sprawl on RPGGeek.
There’s now an RPG Item of The Sprawl on RPGGeek.