Carta Galaxia Development Update #12
Carta Galaxia Development Update #12
Whuff, that was a tough one, but I finally managed to power through that last creative block.
New Faction Page: Zinya Biotech
Last but certainly not least of the factions Zinya biotech probably has the biggest division between their best and worst sides.
The protagonist Zinya is all about feeding the poor and healing the sick. Lots of opportunities for medical drama, pandemics/outbreaks, scientific discoveries, etc.
Zinya-the-antagonist is pretty horrific; genetic purity, experiment on civilians, create monsters, unleashing plagues, and so forth.
The faction is available in the link below, I invite you to take a look, tell me what you think.
Faction Chapter complete
And with that, the Faction chapter is done. More or less. I have to write a forward/intro, but the bulk of the work is done. Pretty dense chapter, too. 6 factions at 4 pages apiece, plus a page or two for the intro. Hopefully it won’t feel too overwhelming when put together.
New Debt System update
I had previously posted about the new Debt system I wanted to introduce. I appreciate all the feedback I got, and made a few adjustments accordingly (for example, agencies can all go to -5 Favor, even individuals). I also added (tentative) new rules for assigning Debt and Favor as part of character creation. (On the first page). I’d really appreciate feedback about that one, this whole system is very… new. Touchy. I want to make sure I’m not breaking anything.
Link to the new Debt System:
What’s Next
Next I’ll be doing a first pass on the Districts. These will be the locations the factions fight over, and provide the stage (and props) for the characters to be Big Damn Heroes.
I’m hoping to have a rough outline of a District posted very soon, so that I can use it as a template.
As always, thanks to this wonderful community for all your support, feedback, and participation.