Got these amazing Lightspeed dice from Black Oak Workshop for use with UW. Only regret is that GMs don’t roll dice!
Got these amazing Lightspeed dice from Black Oak Workshop for use with UW. Only regret is that GMs don’t roll dice!
Got these amazing Lightspeed dice from Black Oak Workshop for use with UW. Only regret is that GMs don’t roll dice!
So, you’ve set up a colony, got your crops in, wheat, potatoes, maize, and other veg, but.
So, you’ve set up a colony, got your crops in, wheat, potatoes, maize, and other veg, but… there’s something missing. Something that is land intensive, not very adaptable to hydroponics, and it’s something humans are wired to have. It’s good in your coffee, on your oatmeal, cookies, cakes, and, of course, candy.
It’s sugar.
It only grows in wet, temperate or tropical environments. It needs at least 63cm of rain, but it is one of the most efficient converters of sunlight into biomass. Plant once and harvest up to 10 times before replanting. But your average cane weighs about 1.36kg and only yields 0.12kg of sugar. Yes, there are the other products that can be used, but you need a lot of plants to satisfy the want for for sugar.
So, if you have the right environs for sugar, you grow sugar and ship it, either refined or in cane form to other worlds. If you just want sugar, it’s available. If you want all the products from refining sugarcane, you can get cane, just a lot more of it, as cane is 85% juice, of which only 11% is sugar.
Of course at higher tech levels they just synthesize it. But it’s a major import for those worlds that can’t grow it or make it.
I’m excited to be starting a new game tomorrow!
I’m excited to be starting a new game tomorrow! I’ve played in a couple games/campaigns, but this will be my first time GMing UW. I’ve also GMed and played other AWE games, so I am familiar with the general principles. Nevertheless, this is where I ask for advice. With the exception of one enthusiastic-but-completely-new-to-ttrpgs player, the others are coming from a more traditional (d20) background. I’d love to hear about anything that you feel worked really well or really horribly from your own games, or anything else you feel is worth mentioning. Thanks!
Another quick question, I was doing assets for some pregens for an up coming convention here in the UK and I just…
Another quick question, I was doing assets for some pregens for an up coming convention here in the UK and I just wanted to see what people think of this way to make drones.
One character comes from a mining background and I wanted to give him something a bit different, then I saw the following upgrades under grenades..
(Grenade) Mining Drone
(Class 2)
UPG: Seeking (Grenade/Missile only.) Used with +Interface, seeks target before exploding.
UPG: Scanner Sends back telemetry needed to perform an Assessment. Non-lethal.
If I hand wave a Lvl 0 control unit for them (easily hacked 😉 ) was the intent that you could make reusuable drones?
I have a question about the Bribe skill.
I have a question about the Bribe skill.
If someone offers a ‘favour’ or future service would you allow them to gain ‘debt’ in place of having cargo?
How does money and markets work exactly?
How does money and markets work exactly? I am having a hard time wrapping my head around it. Maybe if someone can provide some examples. So far it has not come up in our “Traveller” game but I can guarantee it will and I would like to be well armed with knowledge when it does. Thanks much in advance!
Carta Galaxia Development Update #6
Carta Galaxia Development Update #6
Hello all you wonderful, supportive people. It’s been a bit of a crummy two weeks writing-wise. It’s been a struggle to get words on the page, kinda thing. I’m working at getting a good pace going again.
Faction Spotlight: Heirs of Taaj
I’ve uploaded a new faction spotlight for the Heirs of Taaj. They are the remnants of the old empire, noble houses who use their wealth and influence to rebuild the “age of nobility”.
This is one of the situations where I have to censor my own biases. The first draft of these guys was way too unambiguously evil, and I had to go back and make things more neutral. The whole “At Their Best” section helps with that, but the rest of the text needed to be a bit more neutral and academic about their outlook. I know I won’t succeed in expunging all of my own biases, but I can at least make an effort to give them a fair shake. Like every other faction, this faction will be the closest thing to The Good Guys in someone’s game.
Interestingly, their schemes ended up pretty positive, benign or only slightly evil.
What’s Next
Next I’ll start on the Dai’Rho, the drug-religion of the wandering warrior monks.
Look what arrived in the mail today!
Look what arrived in the mail today!
Not the best photo, since I was in a hurry. The cover is a little faded compared to the digital version, but still looks good. So, I’ve clicked the button, and you can now get it in hardcopy if you prefer it that way.
Question that came up.
Question that came up. Mechs. So do they really use your physique when lifting stuff and moving things. Or even punching things. Also, perhaps they can have an assigned Physique that you would usein place of the pilots? Are there any other suggestions?
Today we said goodbye to the Cassini spacecraft!
Today we said goodbye to the Cassini spacecraft! Anybody else tune in to watch its final transmissions reach ground control? The feed was full of images taken on its flight, and images abstracted from what it had found, and it was gorgeous and amazing.
(Did you know Saturn has a hexagonal storm on one of its poles? Well, it was observed in the 80s, but Cassini confirmed its existence, and scientists are already constructing models to explain its traits.)
So, today seems like a good day to dig into what we know about Saturn, see what kind of footage we’ve got, and think about how to inject that into your own games of Uncharted Worlds!
(Did you know Titan has its own methane cycle that runs like our water cycle?? We learned that in 2005 — thanks to Cassini!)