So, you’ve set up a colony, got your crops in, wheat, potatoes, maize, and other veg, but.
So, you’ve set up a colony, got your crops in, wheat, potatoes, maize, and other veg, but… there’s something missing. Something that is land intensive, not very adaptable to hydroponics, and it’s something humans are wired to have. It’s good in your coffee, on your oatmeal, cookies, cakes, and, of course, candy.
It’s sugar.
It only grows in wet, temperate or tropical environments. It needs at least 63cm of rain, but it is one of the most efficient converters of sunlight into biomass. Plant once and harvest up to 10 times before replanting. But your average cane weighs about 1.36kg and only yields 0.12kg of sugar. Yes, there are the other products that can be used, but you need a lot of plants to satisfy the want for for sugar.
So, if you have the right environs for sugar, you grow sugar and ship it, either refined or in cane form to other worlds. If you just want sugar, it’s available. If you want all the products from refining sugarcane, you can get cane, just a lot more of it, as cane is 85% juice, of which only 11% is sugar.
Of course at higher tech levels they just synthesize it. But it’s a major import for those worlds that can’t grow it or make it.