Just finished a session of espionage after infiltrating the research laboratory run by the Mignis Corperation on…

Just finished a session of espionage after infiltrating the research laboratory run by the Mignis Corperation on…

Just finished a session of espionage after infiltrating the research laboratory run by the Mignis Corperation on Lumos, the moon of Edison, a gas giant in the Aristotle system in search of plans for harnessing the energy of the strange gasses of the uninhabitable Edison. The last two sessions have been a close shave on many occasions. They: bluffed their way past an official named Berrett, staged a fake radiation leak, sabotaged their own ship, crashed a half-repaired shuttle on the moon, knocked out employees and one character with homemade gas grenades, shot up some guards, unearthed redacted and classified documents within the laboratory computer systems, argued with scientists, got interrogated by robot cubes, and more, all before just now tripping the complex alarm. Now they have a hardrive of modified weapon blueprints, 5 data drives filled with information about ‘Project Prism’ (Prism is a totalitarianistic faction), and some laser rifles to get out of this high-alert compound and back to the Edison station, (also on high-alert) so they can get back to their (hopefully repaired by now) space ship. Wow I’ve loved this game a lot, and i’m only about 5-6 sessions in. I’m so excited to see what happens next. And I didn’t even mention Space Hagrid! 

hey guys.

hey guys.

hey guys. I have a mecha game Im planning on running hopefully Saturday April 23rd 8pm est. Let me know if your interested in playing.


Sean Gomes – If the game happens ill post the youtube link. You are invited to play if you want.

Justin Phillips – lets make it happen brother.


I ran Uncharted Worlds at UK TravCon 2016 at the start of March and really enjoyed myself hacking together…

I ran Uncharted Worlds at UK TravCon 2016 at the start of March and really enjoyed myself hacking together…

I ran Uncharted Worlds at UK TravCon 2016 at the start of March and really enjoyed myself hacking together Traveller’s Interstellar Wars setting and UW. Graham Spearing asked people to share their experiences on a BBS that we both frequent (the Gaming Tavern), so if it’s of interest, here’s the link to the post. It was very much my first experience of GMing a PbtA game, having previously played Dungeon World.



Just a reminder to anyone interested, I”m running a UW one-shot (that might spawn an ongoing campaign depending on…

Just a reminder to anyone interested, I”m running a UW one-shot (that might spawn an ongoing campaign depending on…

Just a reminder to anyone interested, I”m running a UW one-shot (that might spawn an ongoing campaign depending on how things go) tonight over hangouts. We currently have room for 2 more people to join. We’ll be starting play around 7pm eastern (gmt-5) but I’ll be available about an hour early if people need help with character creation.



So, any thoughts on how to handle an NPC sidekick?

So, any thoughts on how to handle an NPC sidekick?

So, any thoughts on how to handle an NPC sidekick?

I’ve got one player interested in taking on an NPC sidekick / protege. Uncharted Worlds doesn’t seem to have anything that handles this directly, any thoughts on the best way to tackle it?

– A regular crew with only 1 member?

– Something like the AI companion, but not AI?

– Something like the attendant you get with “Luxury”, but not a butler?

– Lift the Sidekick stuff from Dungeon World wholesale?

Had a fantastic session tonight.

Had a fantastic session tonight.

Had a fantastic session tonight. I might be biased since it’s the first campaign I’ve GMed but I’d call it the most fun RPG session I’ve ever played.

I won’t give you the full story because I’m tired but I’ll give you the summarized version. The crew of the Hornet met with the Johnathon Julius of the Capulus mafia and were tasked with abducting the prized pet of a Republican Senator to scare her into line. Naturally, this pet was an eight foot tall space wolf.

So they go in disguised as chefs for an upcoming eclipse festival and (after getting rid of their radioactive cargo) are invited into the senator’s mansion. They find out that the beast is basically just kept in a range of wild forest and summoned with the sound of a whistle broadcast through the area.

They begin their preparation. Captain Vass finds Captain Khal, an old war buddy of his who’s on security detail, and convinces him to temporarily shut down the anti-aircraft defenses. Pilot Kip and Navigator June scout out the forest and it’s security, discovering that most of the security relies on IR, and that the canopy is too thick to land the ship. Meanwhile, Engineer Pierre constructs an IR smoke bomb out of kitchen materials, and sends his AI to hack into the forest’s security.

Now here’s the plan. Vass, Kip and Pierre head into the forest and use the hacked security to play the whistling sound, leading the creature towards a predefined point at the edge of the forest. If they had to, they’d use the smoke bomb to hide from the security (they didn’t). June flies the ship to this point and prepares for pick up.

Surprisingly, the plan went pretty well, but with a few issues. Kip had to kill two security guard who followed them in. Pierre successfully activated the whistle system but he had to leave his AI (Icebreaker) behind, so that will be interesting in the future. Then there’s probably the dumbest thing I’ll ever have to ask a Reckless roll for. The creature stopped well short of the ship so Kip had to reveal his secret weapon. A suit of fresh meat (from the kitchen) strapped to his body, which he would use to lead the creature towards its cage in the cargo hold. One of the dumbest plans I’ve ever heard in an rpg so it should come as no surprise that he rolled a perfect six and easily lead the thing into the cage. Then the crew shot it to hell with stun guns.

But this isn’t enough for the Hornet crew, so they cut off one of the beast’s toes. Then Vass takes it back to the kitchen and slips it into the soup that will be part of the senator’s meal. He directs a server to send the meal to the senator’s table. Then he warns the senator that the Capulus mob are after her, and promises to help protect her under the name of “Romeo Montague” (it’s worth mentioning that his real last name is Montago and he’s a wanted deserter). Then he accuses the poor server of being a Capulus agent just as the toe is revealed, and in the ensuing chaos escapes by a rope hanging from the ship hovering above (the roof was open to view the eclipse). Captain Kahl decides he’s gone too far and tries to stop him but is too late. I’ve got a returning villain out of it though so I’m not complaining.

As the legend of “Romeo Montague” spreads throughout the galaxy the crew make it back to Julius’s ship, The Necessary Evil, and hand the creature over. Vass and June have their debt removed, and Vass even gets a favour for his big show in the dining hall (Julius is a sucker for dramatics). Kip’s debt is not revoked though, and then he makes a big mistake.

He confronts Julius which eventually becomes a threat. Then he goes for his machete and pulls out a dose of combat drugs he kept from the previous mission. Julius sees the drugs, grabs his hand in a flash and twists it out of his hand with unnatural strength, revealing himself to be at least partially cyborg. The two attempt to fight but Vass distracts Kip by ordering him to stand down, resulting in him being disarmed and pinned. Vass immediately expends his favour to let Kip go unharmed, and also has to reveal the location of the rest of the drugs (these things are way more valuable than they look). So they sell out Jibbly Jones, the guy they gave the drugs to in exchange for a medbay (they got seriously ripped off :P). They leave and the Capulus ship immediately jumps off towards Jone’s home base.

A fantastic session, and it even leaves things conveniently open for the future. I was already planning on the factions going after the drugs in the background, and I wanted a foil villain to chase after Vass. I got golden opportunities for both of these so I’m well pleased.

Geeze, that was nowhere near as short as I expected. 😛

Hey, I just had a couple of questions.

Hey, I just had a couple of questions.

Hey, I just had a couple of questions. Firstly, when a character advances and they haven’t used their xp trigger, do they have to discard it for a new one or can they keep it if they want to?

Secondly, if a faction offers a mission for the crew is it reasonable for that mission to clear up debt for several players or just one?


Question about combat – I’ve only played a couple sessions, and both have been with different GMs, both of whom have…

Question about combat – I’ve only played a couple sessions, and both have been with different GMs, both of whom have…

Question about combat – I’ve only played a couple sessions, and both have been with different GMs, both of whom have handled combat differently. Now, it says in the book that there’s only one roll for Launch Assault or Open Fire, and then depending on the result, the GM and player narrate the following fight. The way I interprete that is you make a roll, then (on a success) clean up the “threat” you made it against, whether that is all the enemies around or just one group of them. Then, against a different threat, you would make another roll. But one of my GMs handled it where you make the roll, then just deal with a single enemy, or just a few, but then that roll persists, you could say, for the entire battle, and whatever combat action you take automatically has that level of success. I know this is a confusingly worded post, but some explanation on the system would be appreciated. Thanks!