So what’s your favorite, lesser known starship name?

So what’s your favorite, lesser known starship name?

So what’s your favorite, lesser known starship name? We all know the Enterprise and Serenity and such, but there are so many really awesome (and really silly) names out there.

My personal favorite at the moment is The Righteous Indignation, the starship of Bucky O’Hare

The post by Justin Phillips about religious characters, mentioning Book from Firefly, got me thinking.

The post by Justin Phillips about religious characters, mentioning Book from Firefly, got me thinking.

The post by Justin Phillips about religious characters, mentioning Book from Firefly, got me thinking. Here’s how I would build Shepherd Book’s archetype, going by what little they hint at of his background (note, minor Firefly spoilers):


Regimented Military Personality

Mettle + 1 (+ 2)

Physique + 1

Influence + 2

Expertise + 0

Interface – 1

Disciplined (Regimented, + 1 Mettle)

Authority (Military, Command those not loyal to you)

Inspiration (Personality, Incite emotion)

Diplomacy (Personality, Factions always listen)

The Authority thing is from that wonderful scene where Book is shot

Mal: “We have a crewman that need immediate medical attention”

Alliance captain: “This isn’t a hospital”

Book: “Check… my… ident…” [Command, Roll+Influence]

Alliance captain: “… get this man to the infirmary”

I might post the rest of the crew, whenever I have a spare moment. 

So I’m not sure if this is of interest to people or not, but it’s been enjoyable so far and I figured a thing is…

So I’m not sure if this is of interest to people or not, but it’s been enjoyable so far and I figured a thing is…

So I’m not sure if this is of interest to people or not, but it’s been enjoyable so far and I figured a thing is better shared than hidden.  I love Dungeon World, and have been fascinated with Sean’s hack here since he started the Kickstarter.  So I finally got around to starting a PbP game.  

It’s only been going for one week, and Play-by-Post moves pretty slow, but there’s a great crew playing with us and could be a fun read for anyone interested in how this might look in action.  After the jump you can see the sub-forum, with the Game Thread and OOC stuff.  It’s likely pretty difficult to mesh the two together, but reading through the Game Thread is still pretty conversational.

Thanks Sean Gomes  for putting such an awesome game together, as we’re really enjoying playing it!

Slowly adjusting to fatherhood, finding small pockets of time to write.

Slowly adjusting to fatherhood, finding small pockets of time to write.

Slowly adjusting to fatherhood, finding small pockets of time to write.

Anywho, question for the community: Is “Affliction” a ‘sci-fi’ enough term to denote “status effects”? Would you guys use another, more sci-fi sounding word to describe that? (Ailment? Condition? Debility?)

I’m writing up the proper Med-Bay chapter (and trying to find all my various playtest notes after a very hectic and beatifully stressdul week or so) and I feel the term might be too sword and sorcery. 

For reference, cross-posted from my current document:

Harm suffered by characters is divided into two categories, injuries and [afflictions], with five levels of increasing severity, minor, major, severe, critical and fatal. A character can only have one injury and one affliction of each severity; further instances “roll up”, becoming more severe.

Injuries are immediate physical trauma suffered by the character, usually from a physical source. Burns, bruises, cuts, broken bones, missing limbs, gaping bullet holes, etc. Injuries can be resisted by Bracing for Impact.

[Afflictions] have a pronounced negative impact on the character’s ability to act. Bleeding, deafness, blindness, exhaustion, vomiting, agony, etc. They can be caused as part of an injury (especially after a failed Brace for Impact) or caused by more subtle hazards like extreme heat, cold, radiation, toxic air, bad food, etc.