Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere: Is Far Beyond Humanity going to be available as a physical paperback or…

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere: Is Far Beyond Humanity going to be available as a physical paperback or…

Sorry if this has been answered elsewhere: Is Far Beyond Humanity going to be available as a physical paperback or will it be digital only?

Hi everyone, I was wondering what people think of the XP triggers in Uncharted Worlds, and whether anyone has…

Hi everyone, I was wondering what people think of the XP triggers in Uncharted Worlds, and whether anyone has…

Hi everyone, I was wondering what people think of the XP triggers in Uncharted Worlds, and whether anyone has experience hacking them. I get they are there for players to indicate what they want to see, and also nudge the game in specific scifi directions, but I prefer more mission / accomplishment driven XP system like in The Sprawl and Dungeon World. I’m thinking about hacking that in, instead. Are there any caveats to be aware of? What are peoples’ experience with the XP triggers? How many XP triggers do your groups hit on average per session / adventure? Thanks!

So here goes my first version.

So here goes my first version.

So here goes my first version.

Throw comments or violent reactions at me! 😛

(you can also use the Comment directly in the document, it’s easier to track when it’s specific).

Working on a Star Wars hack for UW.

Working on a Star Wars hack for UW.

Working on a Star Wars hack for UW.

Here’s the 5 Skills I’ve made for the Jedi class. Thoughts?

Move (+Mettle)

When you concentrate to move things at a distance, Roll+Mettle.

On a 10+, you manage to move it, choose 3.

On a 7-9, you move it, choose 1:

* It lands exactly where you want.

* You use it to cause an injury (target can Brace for Impact).

* Size matters not.

* You can hold it afloat for an extended period of time.

* It doesn’t take much of your concentration.

* You activate it.

* It affects multiple objects in the vicinity.

* It moves very fast.

Sense (+Mettle)

When you use the Force to commune with the world around you, Roll+Mettle.

On a 10+, choose 3.

On a 7-9, choose 1:

*You sense all living beings up to the Far range.

*You read the current emotional state of a closeby target.

*You read the surface thoughts of an adjacent target.

*Range doesn’t matter.

*It affects all targets up to Close range.

*You know the exact location of the target.

*You get a vague hint of events to come.

*You gain +1 to your next Brace for Impact check.

Mind trick (+Influence)

When you manipulate the mind of a closeby target, Roll+Influence.

On a 10+, choose 3.

On a 7-9, choose 1:

*You make it believe something that is not true.

*You make it feel a specific emotion.

*You make it do a single action.

*You affect multiple targets that are adjacent to each others.

*Range doesn’t matter.

*It lasts for an extended period of time.


When you imbue your own body with the energy of the Force, you gain +1 to the next check you make that involves the Physique stat. If you fail that check, on top of any consequence that failure brings, you also can’t attempt another Enhance check for the scene.


When equipped with a lightsaber, you can add your Physique instead of Armor to the Brace for Impact move when trying to deflect incoming projectiles.

Hi folks. Got UW last week, finally falling into the whole PBTA thing.

Hi folks. Got UW last week, finally falling into the whole PBTA thing.

Hi folks. Got UW last week, finally falling into the whole PBTA thing.

I am hyped as can be, but I am wondering about something. With the Prompting Players thing, leaving gaps in the narrative to fill out in play, and almost every move triggering some GM move along with the result, that’s A LOT coming out of the left field during play when you’re used to the traditional the-GM-has-all-the-answers type of play.

In your experience, how random does the story feel when played out a little swiftly ? Does it come easily once you’re a little used to it, or is the learning curve steep as far as you have experienced it ?

Hey guys, I want to play my first session of Uncharted Worlds.

Hey guys, I want to play my first session of Uncharted Worlds.

Hey guys, I want to play my first session of Uncharted Worlds. The thing is, I haven’t played a tabletop RPG ever, so I’m really new to this. I kinda need some assistance with that! First of, should the other players (non GM) read the rulebook too? (Probably a silly question hehe)

Hi all

Hi all

Hi all,

we have now played the third session of UW and my players are loving it. There is just one area that does not work for us, probably because I am doing something wrong, and that is combat.

We had the situation that my players had to engage an enemy who was behind cover in upper ground.

I am sure I did it totally wrong, but the first player attacked the guy to kill him and rolled a 6. So I concluded that he did not succeed in his plan to kill him, but instead exposed himself to fire and suffer harm. So the sniper was still in play engaging the players. The theme continued though with every player trying to attack him and failing. It was a tense moment and they did enjoy the shootout. However I am sure I did it wrong.

Now, the root cause is probably our deep seated approach for combat from decades of playing “traditional” RPG with hit points, combat rounds etc. as that feels “normal” to us. And I am also sure the biggest issue is my take on how combat flows.

So I wonder if any of you here might shed more light on how to do this better? How I can wrap my head around how combat should work here? Because I get what happens when a player wins the engagement, that is easy. But if not? What then?

Perfect proof of how great UW is – using Far Beyond Humanity we were able to play the first session of what I think…

Perfect proof of how great UW is – using Far Beyond Humanity we were able to play the first session of what I think…

Perfect proof of how great UW is – using Far Beyond Humanity we were able to play the first session of what I think will be a longer campaign set in the Warhammer 40k universe. Tons o’ fun 🙂