The Expanse Crew as starting characters in Uncharted Worlds
James Holden, Reluctant Commander
Advanced Starfaring Personality
Lazy Chiselled Restless
Mettle: +1 Cutting Edge (+1 Interface)
Physique: +1 Fame
Influence: +2 Inspiration
Expertise: 0 Weightless
Interface: 0 Workspace: Habitation
Naomi Nagata, Belter Engineer
Galactic Industrial Academic
Guarded Thin Focused
Mettle: +1 Weightless
Physique: -1 Technobabble
Influence: +1 Repair
Expertise: +2 Dismantle
Interface: +0 Workspace: Medical Bay
Amos Burton, Muscle and Mechanic
Brutal Industrial Starfarer
Suppressed Muscled Quick
Mettle: +2 Branded (+1 Physique)
Physique: +2 Construction
Influence: -1 Repair
Expertise: +1 Weightless
Interface: 0 Workspace: Manufactory
Alex Kamal, Veteran Martian Military Transport Pilot
Colonial Academic Starfarer
Prudent Distracted Tolerant
Mettle: +2 Resourcefull (+1 Expertise)
Physique: -1 Education
Influence: 0 Navigation
Expertise: +2 Weightless
Interface: +1 Workspace: Navigation Suite
Josephus Miller, Streetwise Detective
Crowded Academic Scoundrel
Dapper Aloof Compact
Mettle: +2 Affable (+1 Influence)
Physique: +1 Contacts
Influence: 0 Deduction
Expertise: 0 Sneak Attack
Interface: +1 Workspace: Facade
Class 2 Gunship
Formerly the MCRN Tachi
Point Defense Cannons
(Add Railgun and Torpedo Launchers to be true to the show)
Navigation Suite
Medical Bay