The Expanse Crew as starting characters in Uncharted Worlds

The Expanse Crew as starting characters in Uncharted Worlds

The Expanse Crew as starting characters in Uncharted Worlds

James Holden, Reluctant Commander

Advanced Starfaring Personality

Lazy Chiselled Restless

Mettle: +1 Cutting Edge (+1 Interface)

Physique: +1 Fame

Influence: +2 Inspiration

Expertise: 0 Weightless

Interface: 0 Workspace: Habitation

Naomi Nagata, Belter Engineer

Galactic Industrial Academic

Guarded Thin Focused

Mettle: +1 Weightless

Physique: -1 Technobabble

Influence: +1 Repair

Expertise: +2 Dismantle

Interface: +0 Workspace: Medical Bay

Amos Burton, Muscle and Mechanic

Brutal Industrial Starfarer

Suppressed Muscled Quick

Mettle: +2 Branded (+1 Physique)

Physique: +2 Construction

Influence: -1 Repair

Expertise: +1 Weightless

Interface: 0 Workspace: Manufactory

Alex Kamal, Veteran Martian Military Transport Pilot

Colonial Academic Starfarer

Prudent Distracted Tolerant

Mettle: +2 Resourcefull (+1 Expertise)

Physique: -1 Education

Influence: 0 Navigation

Expertise: +2 Weightless

Interface: +1 Workspace: Navigation Suite

Josephus Miller, Streetwise Detective

Crowded Academic Scoundrel

Dapper Aloof Compact

Mettle: +2 Affable (+1 Influence)

Physique: +1 Contacts

Influence: 0 Deduction

Expertise: 0 Sneak Attack

Interface: +1 Workspace: Facade



Class 2 Gunship

Formerly the MCRN Tachi


Point Defense Cannons

(Add Railgun and Torpedo Launchers to be true to the show)



Navigation Suite


Medical Bay


Just a quick note: my character sheet for Uncharted Worlds is now online and available for everybody.

Just a quick note: my character sheet for Uncharted Worlds is now online and available for everybody.

Just a quick note: my character sheet for Uncharted Worlds is now online and available for everybody. Use the game settings page and you’ll find it.

Edit: I’m planning to release Version 2 at the end of January, so all feedback and suggestions are welcome.

I’m trying to get a few friends who are not into roleplaying games introduced to the genre, and powered by the…

I’m trying to get a few friends who are not into roleplaying games introduced to the genre, and powered by the…

I’m trying to get a few friends who are not into roleplaying games introduced to the genre, and powered by the Apocalypse games are usually pretty good for that.

How is Uncharted Worlds for new players? Does it require a lot of reading and investment just to get started? Is it too complicated for people unfamiliar with this type of game?

If I’m reading the Assets chapter correctly, a Flyer can be an in-system-capable spaceship, yes?

If I’m reading the Assets chapter correctly, a Flyer can be an in-system-capable spaceship, yes?

If I’m reading the Assets chapter correctly, a Flyer can be an in-system-capable spaceship, yes? So you could have speedy shuttles to get around the planets in a Station-centered game? Asking in part because there is a gap in the system between speeders and starships that makes X-Wings and Colonial Raptors a necessary house rule. (Since they’re jump-capable in their respective fictions.)

I got notification from github that my character sheet got merged.

I got notification from github that my character sheet got merged.

I got notification from github that my character sheet got merged. Can’ test now because I’m at work. Is it available for you in the character sheet dropdown?

Edit: nevermind. Merging alone doesn’t do it. It has to be approved by the Roll20 staff before it is included in the list.

Hi, Sean Gomes

Hi, Sean Gomes

Hi, Sean Gomes

I want to introduce some friends to the game, but not everybody is fluent in English. I am thinking of translation the support material in your website character sheet, MC sheet, moves sheet, etc.

How can I do it keeping the look? Can you provide an editable version of the documents? If do a raw translation (no layout) and send it to you, would you embellish them?

I am willing to do it, but dunno how to do the layout.

We could use this translation to add it to +Oli ‘s Roll20 project.

An idea from a PBTA discussion forum that I wanted to share, regarding another alternative to Cargo for campaigns…

An idea from a PBTA discussion forum that I wanted to share, regarding another alternative to Cargo for campaigns…

An idea from a PBTA discussion forum that I wanted to share, regarding another alternative to Cargo for campaigns that are more Star Trek than Firefly, and where equipment is normally requisitioned from one’s faction instead of purchased on the market.


When you call upon your Faction to supply you with resources, roll +Influence.

On a 13+, you get what you want.

On a 10-12, your request receives normal scrutiny. If your Faction is amiably disposed toward the request, it’s granted. If not, the request will be granted conditionally as per 7-9.

On a 7-9, the request may be granted conditionally. The Asset may be loaned to you for the duration of the mission, but the Faction will want it back afterwards. Alternatively, the request will be granted if you accept a cost, a task, or a lesser asset or service than you asked for.

On a 6-, the request falls through unless you call in a Favor.

Restrictions: To use this move, either you or your enterprise must owe allegiance to a Faction. If calling upon a personal allegiance, then your Requisition is limited to your personal use, unless you can show that supplying your enterprise serves the faction’s needs (for example, they are on a mission that aids your Faction).

Misappropriation: When you Requisition goods or services from your superiors, your actions are recorded by the appropriate authority. Different Factions have different attitudes towards Requisitioned assets; some will be unhappy to see Requisitioned goods used for non-Faction goals at all, others encourage private initiative so long as the PC continues to deliver results. Regardless, no Requisition is completely no-strings-attached. If you fail to return loaned Assets, or your use of Requisitioned Assets or services harms your Faction or goes against policy, you will incur debt.

First of all If any of my players are reading this, don’t.

First of all If any of my players are reading this, don’t.

First of all If any of my players are reading this, don’t.

Hello, i’m a bit of a lurker and am running a game pretty soon. I’ve allowed my group to build characters with access to the additional preview components available for far beyond humanity (because i want to allow psionics, cyborgs and all that cool stuff).

I’m wondering how i’m going to get past the largest and most blatant hurdle in my group; a player who rarely engages and dislikes learning new rules and systems. How do i get him to better engage? I’m going to help him build a character at the start of our first session as he isn’t going to have learned how to do so. (The other players built their PCs and only asked me a few questions about how character creation actually worked).

I’m planning to get the players to write up the records of each session from their characters perspective. I plan to use this to keep the story going roughly in the direction the players are pulling it, seeing what elements they’ve remembered and forgotten and how i might pull from those old threats.

(Also if this ends up really good i might start posting the story from a chroniclers perspective with extracts from the various character’s journals somewhere)

Really all this is superfluous text because i’m excited about running this and seeing how they adapt to the infinite challenges and horrors of the universe, how many innocents die because of their actions and just how far they’ll go to survive and prosper.

But if you have any suggestions as to how to get my player to engage more that’d be really helpful.

There are no rules concerning fuel in UW and I think normally it is not needed because we can assume that the ship…

There are no rules concerning fuel in UW and I think normally it is not needed because we can assume that the ship…

There are no rules concerning fuel in UW and I think normally it is not needed because we can assume that the ship is refueled every time they reach a spaceport.

However in situations where the PCs are lost (after a failed wild jump roll), on the run from the authorities or are exploring the periphery of the known universe keeping track of fuel can add a sense of urgency like doom clocks in other PbtA games.

This is stolen from the Black Hack’s “usage die” mechanic: You start with a large die size like d20 or d12 and roll every time it is fictionally appropriate e.g. after a jump, trying to escape at full speed etc.

On a 1 or 2 you decrease the die size (d20 > d12 > d10 > d8 > d6 > d4). After the PCs roll a 1 or 2 on the d4 the fuel for the jump drive is depleted. In the games I am currently running that means the ship is still able to traverse a star system (with impulse drive) but can’t jump.

Obviously you could just draw a countdown clock and tick a segment when appropriate but rolling the dice adds a nice element of tension – and in this case gives you an excuse to bring out these beautiful polyhedral dice again.