Spitballing Idea:

Spitballing Idea:

Spitballing Idea:

This idea is stolen from Coriolis and Blades in the Dark… part of character creation should include a selection of a Group Role – like a Career, but for the group as a whole, and should have moves/skills that apply to all members of the crew.

For example: Merchants / Smugglers / Explorers / Military

Merchants would have 3-4 skills based on trading, Smugglers would have 3-4 skills based on stealth or crime, etc

Each Group Role could also have rules for creating the setting specific to that role. Maybe the four listed above include special rules for starship creation, while others might include planet or city creation.

I think something like this would address two of my concerns in the base system:

1. Group cohesion isn’t built in in the manner that Bonds/Debts/Hx from other PbtA games do it. Adding mechanics to your group as a whole could encourage that cohesion more.

2. Setting creation is a bit TOO open to me, so allowing the players to flag what they want (explorers and smugglers fit into very different settings) helps with knowing where the setting should be pointed to.

I have a question about favor, and how it is distinct from debt.

I have a question about favor, and how it is distinct from debt.

I have a question about favor, and how it is distinct from debt. The system of debt make sense to me, but I fail to see how favor is not just negative debt .

Characters with a sworn allegiance, they have 3 debt and 1 favor with a faction. This would imply that there is a distinction, but how is that different from just having 2 debt?

Is calling in a favor by using a point of favor instead of incurring debt different? Otherwise, what does having a favor do that not having one less debt would allow?

I’ve been working on this textual exoplanet description generator for a while now.

I’ve been working on this textual exoplanet description generator for a while now.

Originally shared by David Perry

I’ve been working on this textual exoplanet description generator for a while now. It’s at a point where I’m pretty proud of it. Here’s an example:

Xi Virgo e, “Santopitar”

A average 1.06 Earth-mass, perfectly temperate 280 (± 10) Kelvin rocky silicate planet with almost 1.7 times the expected density and gravity, and a crushing 16 atm atmosphere of reactive gasses spotted with vivid reddish-orange clouds and extreme winds. One hemisphere is coated with glassy reddish-orange lowlands and with a few large strangely warped chasms and the other; marked by dozens of cellular craters packed with crystalline oxygen, and isolated regions dominated by cellular reddish-orange dunes. The surface material is otherwise undifferentiated drab beige cobble.



Artist Spotlight: Aurore Folny

Artist Spotlight: Aurore Folny

Artist Spotlight: Aurore Folny

It’s been quiet in this Group these past couple of days. While I get back into the whole writing mindset, thought I’d post a bit of a spotlight on the fantastic artist who did Uncharted Worlds’ cover: Aurore Folny . (Check out her Artstation page: http://aurorefolny.artstation.com/)

I originally approached Aurore to do the cover when I saw her work: I wanted someone who had a bright, strong, vibrant style (GM Principles: “Paint in Primary Colors”).

So I’m very happy to announce that Aurore will be doing the cover of Far Beyond Humanity as well. I’ll be giving sneak peaks at the early sketches of the cover in the coming week, it already looks amazing and I’m stoked to see the final product.

She put a staggering amount of craft into each of the characters on the original cover, as you can see in the close-ups below. Fantastic stuff!

Just a quick credit system for a game not based around cargo trading.

Just a quick credit system for a game not based around cargo trading.

Just a quick credit system for a game not based around cargo trading. I have not used this precisely in play, but will over the next few weeks.

BUY (+Credit)

When you demand important services or Assets from a market able to supply those demands, Roll+Credit you’re willing to pay for it.

On a 10+, the deal goes through.

On a 7-9, the deal will only go through if you pay a higher cost, perform a task, or accept a lesser asset/service instead of what you asked for.

SELL (+Cargo)

When you sell cargo for the Credit it is worth, Roll+the class of the Cargo.

On a 10+, you receive Credit equal to the Cargo’s class

On a 7-9, you receive Credit equal to the Cargo’s class, but the GM chooses one:

• It is local credit, not good outside this system, planet, city, or market

• You will need to deliver the Cargo somewhere before payment

• Selling this specific Cargo draws unwelcome attention


When you exchange Credit, local or otherwise, for Cargo or other forms of Credit, Roll +1 if you’ve successfully done business in this market, -1 if you’re done business but it didn’t go so well, or +0 otherwise.

On a 10+ the exchange goes through as expected

One a 7-9, the exchange happens, but the GM chooses one:

• They don’t have as much as you asked for

• The cost or exchange rate is lower than expected

I’m still looking side-eyed at some of this, and will probably wing the 7-9 and 6- results to see if anything solidifies in play

If you’re in NZ, I’ll be demoing Uncharted Worlds at Kapcon in January.

If you’re in NZ, I’ll be demoing Uncharted Worlds at Kapcon in January.

If you’re in NZ, I’ll be demoing Uncharted Worlds at Kapcon in January. While I’d initially planned to do the Falcon Expanse (put together from the few lines in the core book and an old playtest I found online), it occurs to me that I now have 21 options to try.


Thinking about how to do various settings with Uncharted Worlds (mostly a bit more ‘realistic’ – SJG’s Ogre is the…

Thinking about how to do various settings with Uncharted Worlds (mostly a bit more ‘realistic’ – SJG’s Ogre is the…

Thinking about how to do various settings with Uncharted Worlds (mostly a bit more ‘realistic’ – SJG’s Ogre is the one at the front of my brain right now), and I kept running into the problem of Shields.

Shields are really hard to make work, in a non-space opera setting. They’re great for space opera/fantasy, and I hardly begrudge them – I want them in it. But for things that are a touch more grounded, they’re…kinda difficult.

So, what to do? Throw them out? Well, you could. The ‘shields’ roll is then just the pilot making a non-skill check, and it’s pure luck what happens. Call it armor? Yeah, could do that, but then Interface doesn’t come into play. And armor on spaceships is usually better represented other ways (I think).

And then it hit me: Electronic Warfare. Interface stat is perfect for that. The character is trying to jam/distract/mess with the enemy sensing, targeting, and weapons. And on the -6 roll, well, your system is fried/jammed/confused, so you have to reboot, whatever.


(And how do you represent armor on a ship?)

Traveller had “76 Patrons”, a collection of adventure seeds.

Traveller had “76 Patrons”, a collection of adventure seeds.

Traveller had “76 Patrons”, a collection of adventure seeds. So now Uncharted Worlds has this. I’ve stolen liberally from TV, books, film, and even a favourite larp. Hopefully people will find it useful.


This month I put my XP into learning about DriveThru’s POD process.

This month I put my XP into learning about DriveThru’s POD process.

This month I put my XP into learning about DriveThru’s POD process. That feeling when your proofs finally arrive and you see that you managed to work Scribus right (well, right enough) is fantastic. It should be available for sale in the next couple of days.