So it occurred to me that Uncharted Worlds could handle a cyberpunk game really well.

So it occurred to me that Uncharted Worlds could handle a cyberpunk game really well.

So it occurred to me that Uncharted Worlds could handle a cyberpunk game really well. Hacking could be narrative and very dynamic. Cyber ware could easily be treated as assets and data points used for matrix style games. I’m thinking I might have to run a cyberpunk game here in the next month or so

Slightly off topic, but I’m building a new PbtA fantasy game inspired by Uncharted Worlds.

Slightly off topic, but I’m building a new PbtA fantasy game inspired by Uncharted Worlds.

Slightly off topic, but I’m building a new PbtA fantasy game inspired by Uncharted Worlds. I’m posting the game as it is built on a blog. Do drop by and encourage if you can.

I’m trying to update my Delicious Library database of gaming books. Anyone offhand know the UW ISBN?

I’m trying to update my Delicious Library database of gaming books. Anyone offhand know the UW ISBN?

I’m trying to update my Delicious Library database of gaming books. Anyone offhand know the UW ISBN?

Had a few questions come up in last night’s game that I didn’t have immediate answers for.

Had a few questions come up in last night’s game that I didn’t have immediate answers for.

Had a few questions come up in last night’s game that I didn’t have immediate answers for.

Should advancement triggers and leveling occur as they happen in game or should they be evaluated at the end of the game? This was our second game and we’ve been doing it at the end of the session.

Are explosives meant to be one-time use? A player picked some sort of explosive as one of his starting assets and he points out it seems unfair if he can only use it once whereas every other asset types stick around. My guess here is it’s more of a supply of explosives and misses could lead to running out of supplies.

Are there any rules for permanently upgrading assets? Like adding a new tag to a weapon, or training existing crew.

Here are few thoughts on my new PbtA GM experience:

Here are few thoughts on my new PbtA GM experience:

Here are few thoughts on my new PbtA GM experience:

I like games where I don’t have to mechanically do very much as the GM. Uncharted Worlds only has me guiding on the Moves and considering what the 6 and 7-9 range dice results might mean, what choices or consequences might follow.

Forces against the players are just a number of ‘Threats’ which, depending on them and the tools at the players’ disposal, defines what needs to be done to eradicate them.

Action is over in one, or at most a few, dice rolls. Once the threat is understood, action is described and a Move is carried out. You then simply describe what happens together based on the result.

As the game is mechanically so simple, you are just left with making things up, prompting and describing the action. There’s not much ‘game’ to fall back on, so it really is, mostly, a conversation

I went in with the sketchiest of outlines and prompted the players for details as I went. I didn’t know who had sent them to Near Dark or what they had been told they were extracting. I don’t know how they are going to find the extraction, but I will work with them to find out.

I don’t have much of a safety net and my prompts might be too ‘big’, but I’m learning. I described things as I saw them in my mind, raw and straight away.

I noted down things as I went and typed up a quick report on the session so that we had something to build on.

One of the players noted that there were really only 5 ‘skills’ – the main attributes of the characters. Yes there are ‘Skills’ in the game that function rather like stunts, allowing certain advantages, narrative power and rule tweaks, but at the end of the day it’s 2d6 and add a Stat.

If you are looking for any measure of game crunch then this sort of game is not for you. Really, apart from kits and data points, it is usually just down to adding your Stat, see where you fall on a Move range and describe the results. I don’t think that I’ve missed anything.

Most of us liked the experience, but not all. We thought that this game would be great for beginners, clear of game history and associated expectations.

How is it for you? Am I far off the mark?

I’m running a one-shot tonight with some people who’ve already done one with the included pregen characters.

I’m running a one-shot tonight with some people who’ve already done one with the included pregen characters.

I’m running a one-shot tonight with some people who’ve already done one with the included pregen characters. Does anyone have any pregens they could share here so I could quickly expand the roster?

Normally I’d do it myself but I’ve been insanely busy lately. I’m working hard to avoid canceling the session, but I don’t have any prep time available.


I’m pretty sure our session last night bounced between the ridiculous and the obscene, so I won’t post a transcript.

I’m pretty sure our session last night bounced between the ridiculous and the obscene, so I won’t post a transcript.

I’m pretty sure our session last night bounced between the ridiculous and the obscene, so I won’t post a transcript. However, I did want to run one of our combats past the group.

The PCs discover a cargo container floating through a debris field. Visual assessment tells them a ship has been blown up; looks like the cargo container was ejected due to a lack of evidence of explosion on its exterior. They decide to grab it using a shuttle with a cargo hold but, having no tractor beam, I adjudicate the threat of destroying the container so Face Adversity+expertise of the shuttle pilot. Success with a hard choice; either the container is brought on board quickly, but the exterior ruptures and the goods seep out into space or it takes an extended period of time (like, all day) to maneuver into position. The choose the latter.

I advance a threat, the pirates that (maybe?) originally blew up the ship returning to grab their prize. One of our other players launches his shuttle; we now have two shuttles and the main (Class 2) ship vs. the single pirate (Class 2) ship. The pirates ask, for their container back, the PCs delay/sweet talk, and while they’re doing this they open the cargo container…illicit narcotics. The pirates offer a scant sum, well below what the PCs are told (by their Hutt passenger) the cargo is worth in the Hutt empire. The players ask full price, Face Adversity+Influence.

Success with (another) hard choice…sell it to them for below market value, or learn an unwelcome truth. They choose the latter, at which point the pirate ship launches 3 shuttles and powers up their ion cannon.

The PCs decide to load the shuttles into their main shp’s cargo bay and GTFO. My ruling is their ship must be a sitting duck while they dock the shuttles, taking hits from the now launched fighters and the ion cannon, or they can evade and risk not docking the shuttles in a timely manner. They choose the former.

Combat ends when they get the shuttles docked, then jump to light speed (AI, which has the voice of Harvey Fierstein, driving) with suppressing fire to ward off the fighters remaining shots, but the ship sustained critical hits to the helm, engineering and quarters, a major hit to engineering, the cockpit is completely destroyed (debility, fortunately they have an AI piloting for them), and the Life Support takes a debility (offline).


1) As they were sitting ducks, I had them roll Shields Up for each of 5 hits (Ion Cannon, Fighter x 3, Missiles). They failed on shot 3, which should have disabled their shields, but I let them continue to roll Shields Up judging it was “all at the same time”. Is either the 5 hits/rolls or the continued Shields Up roll incorrect RAW? We weren’t sure.

2) Shots from fighters with weapons intended to breach hulls, when they hit, are Critical Injuries to one of the ships’ sections, correct?

3) Do critical hits always cause debilities?

4) What do most people do when you receive two critical hits to a single section of a ship? That should be a fatal hit, which I would rule as that section of the ship is incapable of performing any function, but have others just said “Hull breach, dead” or something along those lines?

5) Fixing this ship for next week; three criticals, a major, a system completely offline. That seems like too much for just an Acquisition role (or roles, if we roll for each bit of damage), but how would you folks do that? I don’t read anything that allows for reductions in rolls, but I feel like this is a time when I’d want to mechnically make them spend cargo/credits to get a ship repaired. Do you incorporate that into the fiction, or is there something RAW that would make it harder to get big stuff repaired that I’m missing?

Moved this to Discussion.

Question for the group.

Question for the group.

Question for the group. If I were running a space combat with let’s say x-wing fighters vs Tie fighters. This would be vehicle combat not starship combat right? Also, on brace for impact for the x-wings which have shields would you basically add that as armor (maybe +2 for armor representing the shields)?

It seems like far beyond humanity will be what I need to run Star Wars and Starcraft games.

It seems like far beyond humanity will be what I need to run Star Wars and Starcraft games.

It seems like far beyond humanity will be what I need to run Star Wars and Starcraft games.

As of now though how would you make Protoss chsracters?