When you run a PbtA game, how much stuff you prepare, how much you wing and how much you you prompt from the players?

…PCs come in a muck it all up. For instance:(actual Uncharted Worlds game prep for tonight) Ambassador Rahgo is known to be an imposter – a vatclone of the real…

Is there a place to look for a group, it seems mine has fallen through so I’m looking to get started.

…would be a great place to start, especially an online/Google Hangouts group. Are you looking for a regular weekly group, or a one-shot session to get started? Hanako Suzuki I’m…

Should a Doom be tied directly to a character and their power via “their power corrupts them” or a prophetic fall or…

…track represented clandestine powers zeroing in on him via his unusual online activities. The framework of the playbook offers a lot of room to play with the overall concept as…