So I finally started moving towards more improvising and conversational GM:in style, and right away found myself in…

…probably go get your weapons back online before that Roaring gets any closer, since these are all they’ve got.) Beyond that, I think Kevin Crawford’s method of “dungeon creation” applies…

Hey PBTA folks – anyone know where I can score a set of playbooks for James Mullen​ ‘s The Hood?

…play books online. Have you thought about putting the play books and the joke themes all up on deivethru? Tommy Rayburn Also, if anyone wants to play the hood …….

Running the ‘Hood: A Big Fish in a Small Pond (AW hack about being delinquents trying to get by through crime,…

…can. Think Snatch and; Lock, Stock and two Smoking Barrels) by James Mullen for the online Let Us Game – RPG Convention. Looking for a couple more players.…

First session  experience :  I ran my group through the Kurusawa Extraction (My first time using the system as well).

instances for different contacts they were meeting to gain more intel and details. Those 3 dont have negative consequences in the 7-9 range they just have ‘you dont learn as…