I’m interested in trying to adapt ‘Persuade an NPC’ to also include ‘Persuade a PC’ — probably modeling after…

…violence, the character with Blood is just as effective as the character with Heart. Robert Veneman-Hughes For some context, I am thinking about this in line with an online game…

Due to the inability to continue our campaign as usual we’re moving to hangout sessions.

…friends created a Google spreadsheet that I’ve used in online Urban Shadows games, Oscar Iglesias. Here you go: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ai6yKRv8PJv9dHRCb1d4RFVYYzVrc0x6UzBmek9pd1E&usp=sharing Oscar Iglesias Thx Richard Rogers !! Oscar Iglesias I’ve created my…

Ok just want to throw out some feelers here of who would be up for a monsterhearts game via hangout and what would…

…likely be the 20th as a one shot possible campaign depending on how it goes. I’m most like going to use google hangout. Everyone will have to look online for…