So what happens when “Lost” or “Frenzy” is used on a PC?

So what happens when “Lost” or “Frenzy” is used on a PC?

So what happens when “Lost” or “Frenzy” is used on a PC?

We had this going on with Lost last session. 

I said the Player that his character just had this amazing idea to visit smith. This would really help right now. If he doesn’t want to go there right away he has to act under fire. 7-9 would be that he can do 1 more thing before going there. 6- is, hey: you don’T even know how you got here.

This is cool and easy, but what about Frenzy? 




#ApocalypseWorld tonight. The Gunlugger missed a few sessions and so is not so connected to anything. He said his main goal for his character is to survive so the ratpeople will attack him i guess. Also Balls (mindfucker/perversion of birth) the owner of the Halfmoon-Shop (where basically everyone get’s food and water) will higher him as a new Bodyguard. This will allow me to show the players a bit more about the things Balls is doing behind everyones back. 

Bascially this is how i prep. I have a rough outline of threats but i prep only a few situations for every character. So i will have stuff to say. I don’t HAVE to have this situations come up but it is helpful. The situations also won’t have to resolve in any way. I jsut like to give people (hard/bad) choices. 

The Angel in my game allways failes his Healing-Hands Move. It sucks to be him. It sucks even more to be the patient.

The Angel in my game allways failes his Healing-Hands Move. It sucks to be him. It sucks even more to be the patient.

The Angel in my game allways failes his Healing-Hands Move. It sucks to be him. It sucks even more to be the patient. 

I just listened to the Walking Eye Podcast of Durance and found the idea of oaths to be really interesting.

I just listened to the Walking Eye Podcast of Durance and found the idea of oaths to be really interesting.

I just listened to the Walking Eye Podcast of Durance and found the idea of oaths to be really interesting. Does anyone have an idea about how to integrate a move that deals with an Oath you have sworn? 

For my first 3 sessions i forgot to ask questions from the psychic maelstorm.

For my first 3 sessions i forgot to ask questions from the psychic maelstorm.

For my first 3 sessions i forgot to ask questions from the psychic maelstorm. We established how it looks for them but it hasn’t gotten into their mind. I have to start this tomorrow. Should i just ask them stuff or give them a bit of a preamble like

“You know on how you open your brain you get this information? Well the psychic maelstorm also reads you and want’s to know certain stuff. It’s weird like that” ?

So when a Faceless rolls Norman and get’s a 10+ he get’s experience.

So when a Faceless rolls Norman and get’s a 10+ he get’s experience.

So when a Faceless rolls Norman and get’s a 10+ he get’s experience.

Does he get it when he DOES what the masks tells him to do or just when he get’s the advice?

Does he just have to try it or does he has to succeed?

In my understanding he has to set out to do it but but it’s okay if he fails, he still get’s XP