Hey everyone, kickstarter backers will want to check the latest kickstarter update to get the latest PDF (which…

Hey everyone, kickstarter backers will want to check the latest kickstarter update to get the latest PDF (which…

Hey everyone, kickstarter backers will want to check the latest kickstarter update to get the latest PDF (which represents the finished product, just without art). I wanted to update the draft here though as well as I realized that it was missing a couple of changes that crept in later. Here is the final text as it came back after the second round of copy edits from the editor. We’re always going to have the base text out for all to enjoy and check out so I wanted it to reflect the finished text as closely as possible! 


WorldsInPerilbeta 1.6-FINAL.pdf

WorldsInPerilbeta 1.6-FINAL.pdf

Edit: The final draft is now up in the latest draft section, so if you’re looking for that, this is not the right post. Turns out this final draft was not so final!

Hey everyone, this is the one final draft to rule them all, it incorporates the last bunch of edits from Jonathan. (Everything after Drives). Jonathan is still going to be going through with us and taking another look at all the moves in particular, but also a couple of other things!

This will be the absolute final draft that we’ll be putting up though, any feedback after this will go into the final text before it goes to layout. We’re going to be going through and doing some editing, passing it out to a few friends for more fresh eyes on it. If you’d like to help us out with that, we’d be most grateful. Here is the typo document to go about doing that, and I’m always open to other feedback as well:


Here’s the latest draft that incorporates copy edits by John Adamus, and dev edits by Jonathan Walton up to Drives.

Here’s the latest draft that incorporates copy edits by John Adamus, and dev edits by Jonathan Walton up to Drives.

Here’s the latest draft that incorporates copy edits by John Adamus, and dev edits by Jonathan Walton up to Drives. I’m hoping to get the rest from Jonathan, and which point we’ll incorporate that feedback and put out a final document that people can playtest with. There are some big changes in this one and an absolute ton of tweaks – not to mention the new playbooks from stretch goals. Those have seen the least amount of time playtesting, so I wanted to get them out there as soon as possible to get as much feedback as possible.

Alternate link: 


Big changes:

– Limitations are far more streamlined and get more to the heart of what we were aiming for.

– Powers simplified and reworked as well to make more sense with defensive abilities.

– Tweaks to many of the moves.

– A ton of things I am forgetting.


I’ve also been working on the intro comic and would love to hear peoples’ thoughts on it.

I’ve also been working on the intro comic and would love to hear peoples’ thoughts on it.

I’ve also been working on the intro comic and would love to hear peoples’ thoughts on it. I used a larger font than will be used in the comic (about 20% bigger than normal comics) and there’s still a bunch of text, so I’m going to try to trim it down some more. The layout is mine and just for visualizing how much text there is – Jonathan will obviously do a far better job (particularly with page 2 imagine!).

The concept is to have it come after the list of terms, and to have some reference sheets in front of you when reading (if you want to create a character along with it) but mostly just for getting an idea of the system and how it plays so I’m more interested in that feedback  – do you think it’ll be fun and useful – especially to someone just sitting down to grok the system and wants a comfortable read in a format they know and love.

alternate link: https://app.box.com/s/hvcpiya3apwmke8ys2xg


Still getting waiting for some more comprehensive dev edits, but some of the first thoughts from Jonathan came in…

Still getting waiting for some more comprehensive dev edits, but some of the first thoughts from Jonathan came in…

Still getting waiting for some more comprehensive dev edits, but some of the first thoughts from Jonathan came in and led me to change some stuff. Still more changes to come though, I’m sure once Jonathan has something more comprehensive put together.

(Alternate link: https://app.box.com/s/exnrtc3zyk1smim43qdc)

Change log:

-Gather Intel basic move

-Last Chance basic move

-Tweak to Serve and Protect to contrast better with Defy Danger

-More guidelines in the various powers sections


Thanks for your support everyone, this game is going to be awesome thanks to all you generous backers and things are…

Thanks for your support everyone, this game is going to be awesome thanks to all you generous backers and things are…

Thanks for your support everyone, this game is going to be awesome thanks to all you generous backers and things are just getting started!

Sorry guys, this is my third attempt at putting up a link to the new 1.2 draft.

Sorry guys, this is my third attempt at putting up a link to the new 1.2 draft.

Sorry guys, this is my third attempt at putting up a link to the new 1.2 draft. Some people were saying that it didn’t work at all for them, some were saying it pointed to version 1.1. I can honestly say I have no idea what the issue is. I deleted the file and link and started fresh with it, so hopefully it works now.

Regardless, this is the last update until we get the moves tweaked from Jonathan and that’ll wrap up dev editing. After that, it’ll go off to copy editing so if you can’t download from here don’t worry too much about it. If you really want it though, message me and I’ll email the file to you directly or we’ll make sure you get a copy somehow.

Sorry for the hassle, no idea what’s up with dropbox these days!


Chang log:

Chang log:

Chang log:

-common tropes and stories added to help with story creation

-common tropes for heroes and villains added to help with either playing to or going against common conventions

-more guidance for villains and their plans

-even more guidance for masterminds

-tweaks to some moves.

-editing to remove some tricky last vestiges concerning damage.

Edit: For some reason the link got disabled? So try this one:



Ok everyone, here’s the new outline with all kinds of edits in place!

Ok everyone, here’s the new outline with all kinds of edits in place!

Ok everyone, here’s the new outline with all kinds of edits in place! Still needs examples and proofing. Our editor, Jonathan, has yet to go over the actual moves in detail as well so there’ll probably be some changes there too. Despite the lack of examples, I think it should be clear and strong enough to stand on its own (as any text should) with examples being there to cement understanding.

We’re going to get some proofing in and I’ll update it with any of those errors getting fixed. More changes to moves specifically and an extended play example to come at the end to tie everything together. Check it out!

change log: tweaks to a ton of moves, both Basic and in Origins and Drive books. overhauled structure and outline, about 20 extra pages for explanations and supplemental understanding in pretty much all sections. (Basically: SO MANY THINGS)

Also, numbers don’t matter, just put it at 1 instead 0.1 so people didn’t get confused between the alpha and the beta. There will be updates here too and I’ll probably go 1.1, 1.2, etc.
