Does anyone have any advice for running one-shots in Legacy?

Does anyone have any advice for running one-shots in Legacy?

Does anyone have any advice for running one-shots in Legacy? I was considering running the Titanomachy quickstart to playtest the system, but I hope to eventually start doing my own thing and I might not always have time for a campaign.

That silly fanboy moment when you realize one of your favorite rpg writers, Kenneth Hite, has backed our project in…

That silly fanboy moment when you realize one of your favorite rpg writers, Kenneth Hite, has backed our project in…

That silly fanboy moment when you realize one of your favorite rpg writers, Kenneth Hite, has backed our project in Kickstarter 😀

Would anyone here be interested in trying to schedule at least a session of Legacy to try out these nifty draft…

Would anyone here be interested in trying to schedule at least a session of Legacy to try out these nifty draft…

Would anyone here be interested in trying to schedule at least a session of Legacy to try out these nifty draft rules? I’m itching to give it a go. I’d be happy to run it, though it might go smoother if someone who’s played before GMs.

In terms of weapon tags, is unpredictable intended to be added to melee or ranged, or is it a third option?

In terms of weapon tags, is unpredictable intended to be added to melee or ranged, or is it a third option?

In terms of weapon tags, is unpredictable intended to be added to melee or ranged, or is it a third option? If the former, does that mean it can’t be taken without Armoury investment being 1 or greater? If the later, is melee or ranged tags assumed as part of the weapon?

Just to clarify, is only one player allowed to use a Character Playbook at a time, even if the players are all from…

Just to clarify, is only one player allowed to use a Character Playbook at a time, even if the players are all from…

Just to clarify, is only one player allowed to use a Character Playbook at a time, even if the players are all from different families? I assume the answer is yes, but want to make sure. As a follow-up, is a player allowed to use a given Character Playbook type that another player used in a previous age? Again, I assume the answer is yes, but want to confirm.

When you mark your fourth role, do you immediately retire the PC or do you retire the PC after they have succeeded…

When you mark your fourth role, do you immediately retire the PC or do you retire the PC after they have succeeded…

When you mark your fourth role, do you immediately retire the PC or do you retire the PC after they have succeeded or failed what triggered the role? The text suggests the former but common sense the latter.

About the move “Forge a path”, i’m not sure that the possible results for a 10+ are good because a 10+ is a sucess…

About the move “Forge a path”, i’m not sure that the possible results for a 10+ are good because a 10+ is a sucess…

About the move “Forge a path”, i’m not sure that the possible results for a 10+ are good because a 10+ is a sucess but all the 4 propositions have negative effects, that’s not in the Apocalypse world mood, according to me.

I found that all of the options for the Uncover Secrets move seem pretty straightforward and comprehensible, with…

I found that all of the options for the Uncover Secrets move seem pretty straightforward and comprehensible, with…

I found that all of the options for the Uncover Secrets move seem pretty straightforward and comprehensible, with the possible exception of “A powder keg, ready to explode.” I was hoping for some clarification.

My current interpretation/impression of the option is that you can add a threat, location, or situation that has the potential to cause a large amount of damage or fallout if handled improperly and/or not dealt with in the immediate future. Am I on the right track?

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone!

Hey everyone! Newbie to the game here – never played 1e but have backed 2e and look forward to running/playing it in the near future.

I’ve read through the draft rules and I’ve noticed that one of the big differences between Legacy and other PbtA games I’ve been exposed to is that Legacy has some moves that give players considerable control over their dealings with one another. Whereas many PbtA games offer positive incentives for following the orders of or suggestions from other players, Legacy appears to have some moves that allow one player to dictate what another player does (assuming they can’t spend enough Treaty and fail a Hold Together roll, at least at the family level).

So I was wondering: does Legacy generally lend itself more to a competitive style of play, or do I have a mistaken impression of the game? Has anyone’s game turned into an all-out war between 2+ players, or do they generally cooperate to accomplish shared goals?

Thanks in advance for your insights!

A book to show folks back home ;-)

A book to show folks back home 😉

A book to show folks back home 😉

Originally shared by Jay Iles

To celebrate #Legacy2e hitting 200% funding in 5 days, backers can now upgrade to a deluxe edition – bound in faux leather, stamped with the game logo in gold and presented in a full-colour durable slipcase.

Oh, and I’ll be making an interactive character builder, Aaron Griffin is making a setting on a Generation Ship, Fed Kassatkin is making a setting in an Imperial Rus-styled newly-liberated fantasy land, and more besides.

Check out the kickstarter here: