I have a question about the spell slinger.

I have a question about the spell slinger.

I have a question about the spell slinger. In regards to combat magic, it says: “Pick three options from the list below.”

And then below that it says “Combat magic, pick three (with at least one base):”

So do you start with 1 spell with three parts? Or do you start with three spells, each with three parts?

I was reading the rules for the first time and I was wondering about Luck.

I was reading the rules for the first time and I was wondering about Luck.

I was reading the rules for the first time and I was wondering about Luck. Does luck get restored between missions? Or is it gone permanently? Is there a way to restore luck besides the Mundane’s advancement ability? 

Monster of the Week editor Steve Hickey has just released Soth.

Monster of the Week editor Steve Hickey has just released Soth.

Monster of the Week editor Steve Hickey has just released Soth.

If you feel like playing the bad guys, this is about small town cultists trying to summon their evil god. Great fun!

Originally shared by Steve Hickey

Soth, my game about small-town cultists trying to summon a dark god, is now available. Until Monday, you can get it for $6 from https://payhip.com/b/Ux9O.

If you’re interested in noirs told from the villain’s perspective, and what happens in Call of Cthulhu after you go insane, then I’ve written this game for you.


I wanted to create a game with the tension of a noir or thriller: stories like Breaking Bad or Psycho, where we follow someone trying to deceive and murder their way out of trouble. So, Soth uses a diceless process to evaluate how suspicious the cultists are being. The GM then spends that Suspicion to put the cultists under pressure. That creates a ‘cat-and-mouse’ dynamic between the players and the GM, with the role of ‘cat’ switching all the time.

It’s a cousin of Apocalypse World.

Duration: 1-3 sessions

Players: 3-7

Here are some things people have said about it:

“_Soth_ is hilarious, murderous fun. I’m excited to play it again!”

Michael Sands, author of Monster of the Week

“A fun and creepy game that rewards clever play and smart problem-solving.”

Simon Carryer, On Mighty Thews, Nod

“The guy who wrote the book on GMing My Life with Master delivers a Fiasco-esque tale of Lovecraftian cult life in Middle America.”

J. Walton, Geiger Counter, Restless, Planarch Codex

I wrote Soth for the 2013 #GameChef . It’s been through a lot of playtesting and editing since then. To celebrate the start of this year’s contest (and to say thanks to all past, present and future organisers, designers and reviewers), I’ve given it this $6 launch price.



So I have the ultimatum.

So I have the ultimatum.

So I have the ultimatum. My brother’s Shadowrun game is set to come to reach a chapter end in 6 weeks to 2 months. So time to get the campaign prepared.

My current thought is that the evil Shintoist who is the Ainu Exile’s nemesis is experimenting with let lines, time travel and dengue shui in order to rewrite reality to serve his desires. His experimentations have resulted in destabilizing the borders between worlds causing occasional fluctuations in dimensional boundaries. So far they’ve been minor but as the crux of his manipulations have started to come together they’ve been getting more serious. These fluctuations have been going on across the period of time that the Shintoist is experimenting with and been utilized by other occultist a for various reasons for thousands of years.

The Chosen character was conceived and born during such minor fluctuations. Basically making him something of a potential lynchpin of reality.

In addition, sometimes the borders between realms vanishes and congeals into a chaotic whole eventually spawning an entity that seeks to absorb all realities into itself. Sort of a antithesis of the Chosen

The Chosen “can save the world” because he is the entity’s weakness in a sense. However. He “can’t save everybody” because those parts of the worlds that were absorbed can be recovered with effort but if that happens they will always carry the seed of the entity’s return. But truly destroying the entity will mean all those recovered people, places and things are lost. (Unless that tag of his fate changes)

I think the first adventure is going to deal with stirges appearing in an abandoned Canadian mining town that someone is trying to reopen.

I just read the East Texas University for Savage Worlds, and one of the tools that I found interesting in the book…

I just read the East Texas University for Savage Worlds, and one of the tools that I found interesting in the book…

I just read the East Texas University for Savage Worlds, and one of the tools that I found interesting in the book was the random generator of adventures, and was wondering if anyone here already has created something like this to #MotW, or is there something more elements generic that they may be used in the system !?

Hello hunters, I have a bit of a problem I have to do a game that involves using a succubus and have the players…

Hello hunters, I have a bit of a problem I have to do a game that involves using a succubus and have the players…

Hello hunters, I have a bit of a problem I have to do a game that involves using a succubus and have the players seduced to do evil. How would you implement a mechanic like that to be fair and balanced? 

Hey all, I’m sure this is covered in the book but are there any moves that happen when a character hits 8 harm?

Hey all, I’m sure this is covered in the book but are there any moves that happen when a character hits 8 harm?

Hey all, I’m sure this is covered in the book but are there any moves that happen when a character hits 8 harm? Is there a death save etc or are they just out of luck barring resurrection spells etc?

Has anyone given any thought to using Monster of the week for a Witcher game?

Has anyone given any thought to using Monster of the week for a Witcher game?

Has anyone given any thought to using Monster of the week for a Witcher game? I’ve not looked into the idea to much yet but it seems like it would be a great fit. Any ideas?




So, my players and I just finished up Dream Away the Time, and noticed something regarding Harm.  In AW and DW, a 10+ on the Kick Some Ass equivalent results in dealing harm but not taking it.  This is not true in MotW.

This makes certain characters interesting, especially those that kind of center on hand-to-hand combat.  The Divine was a particular sticking point here.  If a lot of what you do is get into close combat, and close combat is a generally risky maneuver at best, then there’s a bit of a tension there, especially when dealing with Redcaps that are slinging around 3 harm with a giant poleaxe.

So I’m kind of wondering what the intent is here.  I can think of a few things.

1) MotW is somewhat gritty.  Success is bought at a dear price.  It’s heroic, not superheroic.

2)  Use ranged weaponry and fictional positioning.  Getting into hand-to-hand combat is typically a failure state.

3) It’s deliberate.  The death spiral of lost Luck is an integral part of the game.  You’re in a race against the inevitable.

4) Yeah, it doesn’t actually emulate the genre well and is pretty consistently houseruled.

5) The Redcap is really, really tough and most things aren’t nearly as big of a deal.

6) Other playbooks are better at lasting in a toe-to-toe fight (though we were dealing with the Monstrous and the Divine, which seem pretty well geared for that).

So, thoughts?

Ron Frazier Frank Falkenberg Jacob Possin Travis Keating John Jessop 

Hey all! New to GMing this system though ive run my share of dungeonworld at this point.

Hey all! New to GMing this system though ive run my share of dungeonworld at this point.

Hey all! New to GMing this system though ive run my share of dungeonworld at this point.

Im running a con game in 3 weeks and did a run through of my game and had some questions for anyone that has some time to chime in.

1. How do you handle giving players harm when they are firing a weapon at range? Do you just use moves? Have the monster close and attack ….example would be the monster is across a cave and the player unloads his submachine gun at it.

2. This is probably in the book, but can the player choose to “spray a weapon” and split damage mong targets, do all targets take max damage or do they just focus all damage against a si gle target?

Thanks in advance