Okay, the last time I was here I received a lot of help, so I’ll ask again the help of you guys, is there any…

Okay, the last time I was here I received a lot of help, so I’ll ask again the help of you guys, is there any…

Okay, the last time I was here I received a lot of help, so I’ll ask again the help of you guys, is there any Playbook that simulates martial artists? Type the Bruce Le and Jack Chan interpret? Thank you help!

Watching The Strain came to mind a new hunter, Scientist, and there already exists a playbook that?

Watching The Strain came to mind a new hunter, Scientist, and there already exists a playbook that?

Watching The Strain came to mind a new hunter, Scientist, and there already exists a playbook that?

If you have the Monster of the Week Reinforcements bundle on drivethruRPG, I’ve just added revised versions of the…

If you have the Monster of the Week Reinforcements bundle on drivethruRPG, I’ve just added revised versions of the…

If you have the Monster of the Week Reinforcements bundle on drivethruRPG, I’ve just added revised versions of the hunter playbooks so you are no longer distracted by incorrect experience rules for your revised edition games.


On the Spooky’s “Hex” move.

On the Spooky’s “Hex” move.

On the Spooky’s “Hex” move.

Are those three additional options that use magic can give you


Are they something that gets added on top of the us magic move?

The difference is:

A) I cast a spell to cause them to break something important.

B) I cast a spell to do 1 Harm and, since I have Hex, they also get a disease.

Leader playbook as it currently stands….no real good art for it.

Leader playbook as it currently stands….no real good art for it.

Leader playbook as it currently stands….no real good art for it.



Working on a “Leader” Playbook to represent characters like the Brigadier from Doctor Who, Anri Sonohara from…

Working on a “Leader” Playbook to represent characters like the Brigadier from Doctor Who, Anri Sonohara from…

Working on a “Leader” Playbook to represent characters like the Brigadier from Doctor Who, Anri Sonohara from Durarara!!!, General Hawk from GI Joe, and Captain Teletha Testarossa from Full Metal Panic! as well as werewolf and vampire lords and such.

Got a first draft done. I’ll link it later today when I’m home.

Right now have a required “At My Command” move that provides start of mystery holds allowing the ability to use +Charm on a basic move once or give a +1 Forward to the Leader or another hunter.

Bodyguards for +1 armor

We Have Reserves to spend AMC holds to cancel harm.

Legwork as an alternate investigate set of questions

Base camp to set up a temporary facility similar to the options in the Expert’s haven. Possibly failing at the worse time on a miss.

Evacuate to clear bystanders

Posted Guards to drive off or give warning of attackers and spies.

Bleed for my People to earn more AMC holds by suffering to protect minions.

We’re everywhere to spend an AMC hold to declare a minion is in a position to help clear an obstacle in front of you.

My Right Hand for an ally or unit.

The Sting to have your minions prepare a scene in advance for you.

By example – borrow a move from another Playbook. Mostly to facilitate training or supernatural nature from the get go.

Lead from the Front for a +1 forward when you use AMC to roll +Charm for Kick Some Ass or Protect Others but can’t take suffer little harm or use we have reserves if does so.

Motto (“Yo Joe!”) a chance to roll for minions to resist mind control or mental collapse from stress.

Minions defined by a recruitment (employees, family, reputation, cause, infection, creation, animals, summoning), strength, flaw and feature.

Specifics later.

Toying with how to deal with the various non-human races in a Divine Blood setting, most supernaturals in that…

Toying with how to deal with the various non-human races in a Divine Blood setting, most supernaturals in that…

Toying with how to deal with the various non-human races in a Divine Blood setting, most supernaturals in that setting are harmless…thinking about the following explanations specifically.

Sidhe – Technically all sidhe are perfectly beautiful, but the majority go well into the uncanny value due to their perfection. If you are a sidhe, low charm can be explained by a refusal to take measures to tone down your natural appearance and thus causing other people to have difficulty or discomfort relating to you. Or you might have some level of the court-loyal sidhe’s supremacist attitudes. Higher charm sidhe are better at fitting in and may even had applied tattoos or specific styles to tone down their appearance and thus seem more attractive.

Dryads – a consequence of having eaten the dryad fruit and having your nervous system replaced by a parasite that devours your life force is the fact that attempting to use any supernatural abilities is so strenuous that even the most basic stuff performed by normal people in moments of extreme stress might result in a hospitalizing aneurysm.  If you have a high Weird rating as a dryad, that means you likely rely on feng shui (power things with the residual life force in the world around you, moving items so that the flow of power changes) or else various tools that will trigger on contact with someone who has an actual functioning life force. Since you can’t manifest psychic ability yourself or trigger an item yourself. Likewise, a high Tough means that in the course of your immortality you’ve managed to work around the limits the dryad condition places on your musculature and you’ve learned to fight smarter and in ways that don’t depend on physical agility or strength.

I’ve also considered that Use Magic could be used for representing any of a number of supernatural abilities native to some species. The shapeshifting of a therianthrope or a couple of others would likely be less efficient than the “monstrous” move though.

Not sure how to handle the monstrous…there aren’t any species that have an innate monstrous nature…there’s nothing inherently evil in the setting and even Gods and Demons can be helpless civilians. Likewise, Summoned or Divine might need some addressing.

I’m curious has anyone used my Changeling playbook in a game?

I’m curious has anyone used my Changeling playbook in a game?

I’m curious has anyone used my Changeling playbook in a game? 

If so, how did it play?



Good day!!

Good day!!

Good day!!

I have a doubt with “the professional”.

The Professional has always +2Cool

One move of the professional gives him +1cool (max +3)

One advancement of the professional gives him +1cool (max +3)

He hasn’t advancements that gives him +1Hot or +1Weird.

It’s normal or there is some kind of error?

Thank you!!! ^_^