Anyone know who I can contact about the Apocalypse World Forums?

Anyone know who I can contact about the Apocalypse World Forums?

Anyone know who I can contact about the Apocalypse World Forums? The account reset doesn’t send anything to my email address, and the same thing happens when I register a new account to a different mail address – nothing comes through.

And here’s the conclusion of the misadventures beneath the streets with our faceless, driver, gunlugger, and child…

And here’s the conclusion of the misadventures beneath the streets with our faceless, driver, gunlugger, and child…

And here’s the conclusion of the misadventures beneath the streets with our faceless, driver, gunlugger, and child thing.

Originally shared by Colin Matter

Hello! Please join the Wednesday Night Crew for side C of the Fifth session of our Apocalypse World series! Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt joined me to play in our very own apocalypse.  Please join Koo the Childthing, Kray the Faceless, Wolf the…

More AW for you folks this week.

More AW for you folks this week.

More AW for you folks this week. Please enjoy as we go into the sewers to retrieve some stock for the Angel back at the Hardhold.

Originally shared by Colin Matter

Hello! Please join the Wednesday Night Crew for side A of the Fourth session of our Apocalypse World series! Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt joined me to play in our very own apocalypse.  Please join Koo the Childthing, Kray the Faceless, Wolf the…

Hi, I’m looking for a few playtesters for a Shadowrun hack for the Sprawl.

Hi, I’m looking for a few playtesters for a Shadowrun hack for the Sprawl.

Hi, I’m looking for a few playtesters for a Shadowrun hack for the Sprawl. It will happen Wednesday Nov. 15 at 6 pm pst. We have run it for Shadowrun players but would love to get feedback from people familiar with the Sprawl and PtbA games. If any on here would like to help and play a one-shot (possibly 2 shot) let me know.

here’s a link to the hack:

Looking for PbtA games that do not have playbooks, ala Freebooting Venus or Amazons. Any suggestions?

Looking for PbtA games that do not have playbooks, ala Freebooting Venus or Amazons. Any suggestions?

Looking for PbtA games that do not have playbooks, ala Freebooting Venus or Amazons. Any suggestions?

1. What’s the highest quality PbtA podcast you’ve heard?

1. What’s the highest quality PbtA podcast you’ve heard?

1. What’s the highest quality PbtA podcast you’ve heard?

2. What do you like about it?

My answer: Friends Around the Table. I’ve only heard the Blades in the Dark campaign. It has excellent production quality, tells a good story, and shows off the mechanics very clearly.