So my players, in session 2, discovered they could Assess to get +1 forward on Get the Job and Get Paid.

So my players, in session 2, discovered they could Assess to get +1 forward on Get the Job and Get Paid.

So my players, in session 2, discovered they could Assess to get +1 forward on Get the Job and Get Paid. It’s legit — after all, those scenes are tense scenes harboring a lot of secrets. And a 6- on Assess would certainly steer the scene in bad ways even if they roll 10+ to Get the Job / Get Paid. Keep in mind, they already have one of the PCs with the best Edge do the talking and make the Get the Job roll to start with.

But how do you all feel about that?


Assess is appropriate given the secrets hiding in these scenes.

Assess can fail, leading to consequences as bad as or worse than failing the Get roll.


If you have someone who’s really good at Assess, it’s commonly going to land a +1 on these scenes — they always move slow enough to give a character time to Assess, after all.

The flavor of the failed or 7-9 Get roll is so good! It’s sad to see it made vanishingly unlikely.

RAW: You could argue that Assess gives the acting character +1 forward, and Get Paid is a group roll, or even a meta roll, not a character’s action, like Get the Job is. So you COULD deny the Assess bonus on Get Paid. Should I?

We just finished incorporating all errata and player feedback and are proud to announce the latest version of…

We just finished incorporating all errata and player feedback and are proud to announce the latest version of…

We just finished incorporating all errata and player feedback and are proud to announce the latest version of Shadowrun in The Sprawl

I hope you all enjoy it! The changes are mostly minor and mostly effect metatype moves and the Cast a Spell move.

Thanks, and stay hidden in the shadows.

The Updated Playbooks (v1.2) are here!

The Updated Playbooks (v1.2) are here!

The Updated Playbooks (v1.2) are here! This update includes corrections, layout/formatting tweaks, addition of US Letter and A4 sizes, printer friendly versions with reduced ink load, and fillable PDF forms!

You can find all the versions (12!) at this google drive link. I will leave this live through the end of the weekend. Please post any errors or comments on this thread. On Monday, I will go through and correct what needs correcting—fingers crossed for nothing. Then Hamish Cameron will distribute the final final versions through official channels.


edit: link removed. Hamish will be distributing officially soon

Props to Vinicius Lessa and Matthew Terry for doing some slick work with Shadowrun hacks for The Sprawl.

Props to Vinicius Lessa and Matthew Terry for doing some slick work with Shadowrun hacks for The Sprawl.

Props to Vinicius Lessa and Matthew Terry for doing some slick work with Shadowrun hacks for The Sprawl. I love what you guys have done…Matthew with your elegant add-on, and Vinicius with your AW-style playbooks.

I’d love to hear what more you guys have planned as we wait for Touched, which I think will be different enough as to leave plenty of room for your works.

I’ve been setting up a play-by-post game using The Sixth World, a Dungeon World hack, but I would so much rather use The Sprawl. You guys have made that much easier. THANK YOU!

So, I wrote an application in Twine that generates random named gun models, complete with stats, for The Sprawl.

So, I wrote an application in Twine that generates random named gun models, complete with stats, for The Sprawl.

So, I wrote an application in Twine that generates random named gun models, complete with stats, for The Sprawl. It uses the tags from the rulebook plus some “gun quirk” tags that I came up with myself.

Twine probably wasn’t the best choice for this project, but I wanted to learn Twine, and it worked.

It’s technically complete at the moment, though I may add more bells and whistles later. It’s pretty bare bones at the moment.

I’m currently working on updating the official playbooks for six variants: color and printer-friendly Legal, A4, and…

I’m currently working on updating the official playbooks for six variants: color and printer-friendly Legal, A4, and…

I’m currently working on updating the official playbooks for six variants: color and printer-friendly Legal, A4, and Letter sizes. This will include correcting all (hopefully) of the errors between the playbooks and the core book. These should be done by the end of the month!* Keep an eye out!

* see new comment below – these are running about a week behind schedule – sorry!

I’m all new to PbtA games, but I love how The Sprawl figures the Cyberpunk theme.

I’m all new to PbtA games, but I love how The Sprawl figures the Cyberpunk theme.

I’m all new to PbtA games, but I love how The Sprawl figures the Cyberpunk theme. My still “old school” mind asks me to include a few more moves in the game, that I feel are needed to increase the options for the players when doing an infiltration in a secure place (very common in how I envision cyberpunk missions).

As said, being all-new to PbtA, I’m sure my new Moves will lack the finesse of the ones provided by the game. I’m not even sure they are needed at all. But as I said, something in me still struggles with the idea of playing covert-ops and not having them.

Tell me what you think, please, or help see how and why they aren’t needed in an PbtA game.


10+ You are a shadow

7-9 You’ve done it, but choose 1:

* Leave traces (Advance an appropiate Threat Clock)

*Takes more time than expected (Advance the Mission Clock)

*An ally gets noticed

Understand technology:

10+ Ask 3 questions

7-9 Ask 1 question:

*What is its purpouse?

*How does it work?

*How can I use it?

*Who built it?

*What problems could it cause?

*Is it illegal?

Physical prowes (Athletics):

10+ You do it

7-9 MC chooses 1, based on the fiction

*Take +1-harm

*You loose footing/grip

*You are stunned

*You lose something

*You are noticed

Let the thoughts and corrections flow.

Thanks to Hamish Cameron, this is now a real thing, and available to you all.

Thanks to Hamish Cameron, this is now a real thing, and available to you all.

Thanks to Hamish Cameron, this is now a real thing, and available to you all. I hope you enjoy, and if you have any constructive criticism or feedback, I would love to hear it!