Hi folks. Got a lot to get through so let’s get right into things.
Warning, incoming wall of text
You may have noticed I haven’t been around much. It’s been a pretty awful combination of no sleep, intense workweeks (I work in the videogame industry and E3 is A Thing™), and family stuff (not good news about my father). All that has led to a long bout of non-productivity. Which then lead to significant guilt and beating-myself-up about it, because that’s always helpful, right?
Anywho. I’m starting to sorta feel better. Sorta. The current political climate down south notwithstanding (brrrr). But the time away has allowed me to re-consider what I’m doing. Even before going on unexpected hiatus, I was really struggling to keep going with Carta Galaxia.
What started as a campaign guide morphed into a “how to run a campaign”… and I honestly don’t even know what my target audience is for this thing. I don’t know who I’m writing it for, and I don’t know what’s expected of me. I’m certainly not filled with a burning desire to complete it, it feels more like a chore, and that really shows in the quality of the writing.
Lots of factors are currently weighing on me:
A) This was a kickstarter stretch goal. It would be poor form not to deliver.
B) If this isn’t useful or wanted or well-written, it will be wasted time.
C) In writing this (and FBH) I’m really seeing all the cracks in UW’s design up close.
That third one is the big one. It’s no secret I’ve been mulling over an UW2 (or 2edUW or whatever) for a long while now. When I started this project I was a legit nobody with no previous design work under my belt. I was the embodiment of that “I Don’t Know What I’m Doing” dog-in-a-lab-coat. (Can I say again how profoundly humbling it is that so many people supported my first-time foray into game design?)
UW and FBH have been a huge learning experience, and I’d like to think that I’ve honed my skills enough that I’d like to take a second go at it. I’d especially like to solve a lot of the community’s issues with the game, the places where it’s hard to grok, or doesn’t quite work out as well as it should, or is just inelegant (seriously, who uses the “Clumsy” rules? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?)
So that’s where I’m at. No decisions yet, but I’m weighing my options very seriously.
I’d be really interested to hear what you all think. I’ll endeavour to be more active in the community again, so please post your opinion (or Private Message me).
Thanks for sticking out with UW and for being such a fantastic community.