So I just ran Urban Shadows for the first time.
So I just ran Urban Shadows for the first time.
I liked it a lot! Somehow Corruption didn’t come up very frequently at all. I need to push harder on that, but almost every roll was at least a partial success. Faction Moves flowed much better than I expected. I used Debts quite a bit, but should use them still more.
I really missed “Read a Sitch” from Apocalypse World. Also, “Keep Your Cool” seems much more focused than “Acting Under Fire,” to the extent that I wasn’t sure how to handle a few things.
In AW, when someone is trying to overcome obstacles between them and someone else order to do violence to them, it would generally be Acting Under Fire. But Keep Your Cool seems much more reliant on the player wanting to avoid something in particular. I used it just as I would have used Acting Under Fire, and it worked fine, but I am unsure if I’m doing it right.
I need more system familiarity, but it was still lots of fun for me and, I believe, for the players, too.
Thanks for the help!