Hey, everyone!

Hey, everyone!

Hey, everyone! New member here. Missed the Kickstarter (drat!) but looking forward to buying the book. One question: how well do the moves like Hopeless, In Over My Head, and Bullheaded work at the table? (These are in the files on the AW Hacks forum.) Is there a limit to how often a player can use the move and mark xp? I can see my munchkiny players trying to abuse them. Thanks for the insight!

So I just ran Urban Shadows for the first time.

So I just ran Urban Shadows for the first time.

So I just ran Urban Shadows for the first time.

I liked it a lot! Somehow Corruption didn’t come up very frequently at all. I need to push harder on that, but almost every roll was at least a partial success. Faction Moves flowed much better than I expected. I used Debts quite a bit, but should use them still more.

I really missed “Read a Sitch” from Apocalypse World. Also, “Keep Your Cool” seems much more focused than “Acting Under Fire,” to the extent that I wasn’t sure how to handle a few things.

In AW, when someone is trying to overcome obstacles between them and someone else order to do violence to them, it would generally be Acting Under Fire. But Keep Your Cool seems much more reliant on the player wanting to avoid something in particular. I used it just as I would have used Acting Under Fire, and it worked fine, but I am unsure if I’m doing it right.

I need more system familiarity, but it was still lots of fun for me and, I believe, for the players, too.

Thanks for the help!

Players should be putting a name to a face or putting a face to a name pretty much every time they meet someone…

Players should be putting a name to a face or putting a face to a name pretty much every time they meet someone…

Players should be putting a name to a face or putting a face to a name pretty much every time they meet someone that’s not completely out of the blue, right?

Maybe even when someone is out of the blue?

Looking at the Debt moves, there’s one choice that I don’t know how to represent in the fiction: giving you a Debt…

Looking at the Debt moves, there’s one choice that I don’t know how to represent in the fiction: giving you a Debt…

Looking at the Debt moves, there’s one choice that I don’t know how to represent in the fiction: giving you a Debt they hold on someone.

When it’s something like hard, like currency or an item, it’s easy enough to say “give it to her, not me.” But when it’s a favor, how do you represent that?

It seems very useful in tying PCs and NPCs together in unusual ways, mechanically speaking, but I don’t know how to say “hey, I’d like the Debt Frank owes you.”

I’m running a game tomorrow, so prompt responses are especially appreciated!

Would love to see someone run US at LUG Con next week.

Would love to see someone run US at LUG Con next week.

Would love to see someone run US at LUG Con next week. Anyone interested? I asked Andrew Medeiros and Mark Diaz Truman, but there time does not permit.


I would run one myself, but I am running the ‘Hood.

This weekend I run my 3rd and 4th demo games.

This weekend I run my 3rd and 4th demo games.

This weekend I run my 3rd and 4th demo games.

Somo recurring themes arise in the table.

On the debts creation step we have found useful to let players allow debts on NPCs. This creates more backstories, and more nice NPCs related to the characters.

Its a constant on players using the Wolf Archetype that they want to be able to shapechange at will (just like World of Darkness werewolves).

I allow them to take a wolf option to let them do this rolling for Spirit. On a hit they can shapwchange. On 7-9 they either mark corruption or take 1 harm. 

My 2 cents.

I’m thinking about running a game with the latest revision, and there’s something I’ve seen mentioned in the…

I’m thinking about running a game with the latest revision, and there’s something I’ve seen mentioned in the…

I’m thinking about running a game with the latest revision, and there’s something I’ve seen mentioned in the discussions that I don’t see in the current Moves list that Mark Diaz Truman said in a comment from July:

“If someone cashes in a Debt, both parties mark the other’s Faction.”

Has that changed? Without that, it appears the game slants much more towards being GM-driven, as the Faction Moves are the only way to advance.

I’m a fan of the idea of settling Debts between players triggering XP. It seems like that would encourage that much more involvement with the whole Debts system.

Hello all

Hello all

Hello all,

I am looking for some assistance in a kick off event for a new campaign. It’s the 2nd chronicle. Chapter based. I have my main starting chapters created but falling short on the opening exciting event; which I just need to set tone and atmo

It’s a high school game . 4 players across two HS. Looking for an event that closes one HS and brings all kids into one. Want to avoid any high violence. More supernatural and “oh my god what was that?” tone. And something normal kids might shake off after a week and almost forget about.

I’ll take any ideas.

Thank you!

Game session review #2 – Moulin Rouge

Game session review #2 – Moulin Rouge

Game session review #2 – Moulin Rouge

Game was just as interesting, if not more so, without having our intro character chat and going right into story.  Rolling on a faction is much better this time around, as we have some minor plot and investment from the story session.    Discussion comes up if you can mark a faction for a player that is already marked in the intro move.  I imagine not, but if you have players that are jerks, well…

Everything flows smoothly during the course of play, Debts between PCs seem frivolous.  Unless they are working at cross purposes, I can only see them being used provide help when no one really wants to roll dice and take the chance.  When stats increase this will become another moot point.

Session ending move makes no sense.  Why would I lose a rating in a faction if I increased my rep with another?  If my game session only takes place for a few hours of an evening, is another faction actually going to take note that I didn’t play with them?  It’s kind of like an obsessive spouse you get in trouble with if you don’t call when you’re late.  

Need some time with other skins to play around with to figure them out.