On the discord one of the GMs asked people to make up characters on the spot using a basic character generator for…

…instead of just online. She grew up on a farm and that’s good enough for everyone. People who work hard look hotter, anyway. She’s saving them from technology and themselves….

If I wanted to introduce some players to Dungeon World should I stick with the flawed original or go for one of the…

…is out. Blake Hutchins One Shot World. Look for it online. I don’t have the link handy, or I’d post it here. Tom Pleasant I mean no offence. Just reading…

So here’s one of those less than sane plot bunnies that has been nibbling on my cerebral cortex for a while,…

…awesome. Maybe next time. Till then I’ll follow your exploits on G+ Henry de Veuve Charles Moore Alas, this’d have to be online as I suspect we are widely distributed…

I’m pretty sure our session last night bounced between the ridiculous and the obscene, so I won’t post a transcript.

…hit the shields go down, give a character the opportunity to try to bring them back online before the third big hit connects (with the implication that they will suffer…

Has anyone had experience with characters that are absent for a longer time than just a few sessions?

Todd Zircher For my (online) gaming group, we play a lot of one shots and side campaigns when we’re down a key player. That may or may not work for…