It’s a gloomy Friday here in Canada but we can still brighten things up with Archetype-Avatar of the day!

It’s a gloomy Friday here in Canada but we can still brighten things up with Archetype-Avatar of the day!

It’s a gloomy Friday here in Canada but we can still brighten things up with Archetype-Avatar of the day! 

Today we look at the Wizard: powerful, clever, knowledgeable, and burdened by responsibility. I have chosen Hermoine Granger for this Avatar.

Hermoine is super smart, gifted with magicks, and more than most examples out there she really understands the importance and weight to what Magic can do to the world. She doesn’t rest on her laurels (like some other wizards who will go unnamed).

Beat that!

Archetype-Avatar of the day time again! Today we have The Veteran!

Archetype-Avatar of the day time again! Today we have The Veteran!

Archetype-Avatar of the day time again! Today we have The Veteran!

I could build this one up with hype but you all know who it is so why bother? I mean, come on! One of the Veteran’s moves is a direct quote of his.

Shadows of the city, I give you Abraham ‘smoke a cigarette while messily pumping gas’ Whistler!

Just try and beat that one.

For today’s Archetype-Avatar we move onto the most prolific being in urban fantasy: The Vampire!

For today’s Archetype-Avatar we move onto the most prolific being in urban fantasy: The Vampire!

For today’s Archetype-Avatar we move onto the most prolific being in urban fantasy: The Vampire! There are dozens of amazing choices for this Archetype and I know whatever one I choose will be wrong in someone’s eyes.

For this one, I move away from the trend of protagonists and give Lilah The Tainted some company on the antagonist side of the field. I name Russell Edgington from True Blood: the vampire king of Mississippi!

Russell is old, like really old and that makes him POWERFUL! Russell is dark, strong, polite in his old-world kinda way, and definitely someone you should not fuck with! He captures the Vamp’s themes perfectly, everyone hates him but they’re all way too scared of him to do anything about it; no one wants to get into Russel’s Web.

Tell me about your favourite vampire!

Today’s Archetype-Avatar takes us into the fiery depths of Hell (or Hel) where the Tainted reigns as servant supreme!

Today’s Archetype-Avatar takes us into the fiery depths of Hell (or Hel) where the Tainted reigns as servant supreme!

Today’s Archetype-Avatar takes us into the fiery depths of Hell (or Hel) where the Tainted reigns as servant supreme!

There are some great examples of The Tainted in urban fantasy, but one stuck out to me as particularly perfect in my research. I give you Lilah Morgan: attorney at law and rising star at The Wolf, The Ram and The Hart (aka Wolfram Hart). Lilah happily sold her soul for power and prestige and has no qualms about doing the dirty work on behalf of her dark powers.

What do you think? Have anyone better in mind?

Yesterday was a mess for me and I forgot to post the Archetype example of the day!

Yesterday was a mess for me and I forgot to post the Archetype example of the day!

Yesterday was a mess for me and I forgot to post the Archetype example of the day! Not to worry though, I’m here with our very next Archetype-Avatar!

Today we haunt your stream with The Spectre: lonely, angry, and tired of being ignored. For this classic urban fantasy archetype I went with none other than Annie Sawyer from Being Human (UK)! Annie is just so amazing; tragic, powerful, loving, makes SO MUCH TEA, and just all-around great!

Can you think of a better example for the Spectre?

It’s going to be hard to beat Day#3’s avatar of Dean Winchester as The Hunter (people seem to like him for some…

It’s going to be hard to beat Day#3’s avatar of Dean Winchester as The Hunter (people seem to like him for some…

It’s going to be hard to beat Day#3’s avatar of Dean Winchester as The Hunter (people seem to like him for some reason?), but here goes nothing!

Day#4’s Archetype-Avatar is none other than the Oracle: foreteller of terrible things, all-seeing but never-believed, psychic and medium!

For this choice I name Hemlock Grove’s Destiny Rumancek! Never mind that she actually makes her living as a psychic, her gifts are undeniably real and very potent. And like all good Oracles, no one ever listens to her warnings!

I have a hard time ‘seeing’ a better option for the Oracle avatar (see what I did there?)

Day#3 of Archetype-Avatars brings us to none other than The Hunter.

Day#3 of Archetype-Avatars brings us to none other than The Hunter.

Day#3 of Archetype-Avatars brings us to none other than The Hunter. Fearless, dedicated, resourceful, and smoldering (well, usually smoldering).

This one was easy for me since the Archetype was inspired directly by him. I present to you, my archetypal Hunter: Supernatural’s Dean Winchester. [swoon]

Who do you call when the shadows encircle you?


Today’s Archetype example moves us onto the next in line: The Fae!

Today’s Archetype example moves us onto the next in line: The Fae!

Today’s Archetype example moves us onto the next in line: The Fae!

There are some great examples in books, but I find solid Fae in TV and movies a bit harder to come across. The exception to the rule being of course….THE FRICKIN’ GOBLIN KING!!! Aka David Bowie and his amazing codpiece.

Who is your favourite Fae? I challenge you to beat Bowie!

I’m going to start a (hopefully) fun series of Archetype avatar/example posts; one for each.

I’m going to start a (hopefully) fun series of Archetype avatar/example posts; one for each.

I’m going to start a (hopefully) fun series of Archetype avatar/example posts; one for each. The plan is that I will post my favourite example of each Archetype and ask you what your favourite is. Any form of media goes, though I personally prefer television and movie examples.

Might as well start alphabetically with The Aware. My go-to Aware is Beth Turner from Moonlight. She’s got great instincts for mysteries, refuses to ever let up when she starts a case, has a long history with the supernatural (though she doesn’t know it), and I may or may not have a small celebrity crush on Sophia Myles!

Who is your quintessential Aware?

Over the past week Sean Horwich, Jamie Easton and I have been talking about something I call Shadows of Camelot.

Over the past week Sean Horwich, Jamie Easton and I have been talking about something I call Shadows of Camelot.

Over the past week Sean Horwich, Jamie Easton and I have been talking about something I call Shadows of Camelot. It’s an Arthurian-inspired Urban Shadows campaign. None of us have any official plans to run the campaign, but that didn’t stop us from tossing ideas out left-right-and-center!

Here’s what we have so far for character options (many of these assume the characters have been reincarnated which tie in nicely to the Dragon);

King Arthur; The Dragon. The host to the ancient spirit of a mighty dragon. When he ruled in Camelot it was also in human form with his draconic lineage bubbling to the surface. The Dragon’s themes of reincarnation and Soul Mates ties everything and everyone together perfectly. The picture attached is pretty close to what I would choose for him.

Nimue, The Lady of the Lake; The Fae. This one is pretty straight forward. Her homeland is Avalon, which is a faerie realm that she rules over. She presumably still possesses Excalibur and awaits Arthur’s return.

Morgan Le Fay; The Wizard: Don’t know if I would go with re-born Morgan or simply immortal, either way it works

Mordred; The Tainted: Striking a deal with a powerful demon, he survived (or was re-made) after falling at Arthur’s hands. Either way, bad-ass!

Merlin; The Oracle: Seeing the future has always been Merlin’s shtick and I can’t imagine a better archetype for him.

Lancelot; The Hunter. Reborn in this new era with his exceptional battle prowess inherited as well. A modern knight indeed!

Guinevere; The Aware. Reborn with eyes open to the real way of things. I could see her re-imagined as a Spectre as well, whose spirit cannot move on until the others have returned. This one could do a few ways I suppose.

Sir Galahad; The Immortal. After finding the Holy Grail, he drank of it’s eternal waters and has walked the earth ever since awaiting Arthur’s return.

So yea, just spit ballin’ ideas, but having a blast while doing it! Sean, Jamie, did I miss anything or mess anything up?