So, where is this group planning to go after the G+ shutdown?
So, where is this group planning to go after the G+ shutdown?
So, where is this group planning to go after the G+ shutdown?
So, where is this group planning to go after the G+ shutdown?
So, where is this group planning to go after the G+ shutdown?
As part of my ‘system basics’ section in my current book, I thought I’d chart out the flow of the conversation,…
Originally shared by Jay Iles
As part of my ‘system basics’ section in my current book, I thought I’d chart out the flow of the conversation, moves, gm reactions. Here’s the current version – comments/feedback/reactions welcome!
Do the rules support players making moves that then allow them to roll with advantage on future moves?
Do the rules support players making moves that then allow them to roll with advantage on future moves? Or, put another way, do you as the GM modify the difficulty of rolls by imparting advantage or disadvantage due to fictional elements?
Or does advantage and disadvantage only apply when a move’s text states that it does?
Me again – Bring out your devices! I’m looking for other people’s device ideas (so I can steal them basically)
Me again – Bring out your devices! I’m looking for other people’s device ideas (so I can steal them basically)
A couple of quick questions that arose in our game last night:
A couple of quick questions that arose in our game last night:
– Is it possible for an NPC Faction to get Treaty from the players? If so, how can that later be used?
– Lend Aid’s description says: When your Family throws its weight behind another, roll +Treaty with them.
Does “with them” mean the Treaty they owe you, the Treaty you owe them, or the sum of both?
So, where are we all going next August?
So, where are we all going next August?’ve got a campaign concept, but I need a bit of help figuring out the logistics and execution.
I’ve got a campaign concept, but I need a bit of help figuring out the logistics and execution.
The general arc I have planned is to use the core book and the upcoming Next World content to start the game – the world is dying and it’s a race against time to salvage scattered near-miraculous technology to create a world ship that takes humanity to the stars. The game then transitions to using Generation Ship to catalog the journey to a new world, then finally transitions one last time to Worldfall as humanity settles down again.
My Questions!
First, a general question – how often do you turn to a new age? The examples in the book almost make it seem like you do it almost every game session, but some of the triggers (making a Wonder) sound like they take longer to satisfactorily resolve. Is there a best practice here? And if it matters, I plan on this being a round robin game where the GM seat rotates every age or two.
Second, there are more Family and Character options in the core + Next World material than there is in any given alternate setting book, which makes sense but I’m afraid will make it less exciting to move to a new book as the campaign goes on. How feasible is it to mix content between books when it would otherwise be hard to translate a concept over to the new playbooks? Or just to satisfy the players’ desire for more choices or to keep cool Moves from previous stages of the game.
What a thing of beauty! (Alberta, Canada)
What a thing of beauty! (Alberta, Canada)
Just received my copy and I just wanted to say that this book is really special.
Just received my copy and I just wanted to say that this book is really special. It is probably the best produced indie RPG I’ve ever encountered, from its fantastic use of color throughout to the double-ribbon. Great Job Jay Iles, and thank you.
A move to help manage the building of Wonders, pushing the Fiction forward and creating hooks.
A move to help manage the building of Wonders, pushing the Fiction forward and creating hooks. Tell me what you think!
When your Family works hard to change the world, invest a Surplus to build a Wonder.
Choose a number of events equal to your Grasp, plus one more per Tech spent:
Thanks to your dedicated efforts a second Surplus can be invested right away.
You secure an invested Surplus against sabotage and predation.
Your research generates concrete results right now, just in smaller scale. Gain 1 Tech.
Choose a number of events equal to your Grasp, plus one more per Tech spent:
One Family or Faction (and only them) becomes aware of the Wonder.
The Wonder nature or the Surplus invested remains mysterious.
Your agents unearth past and present secrets on the 1 Data.
Choose a number of events equal to your Grasp, plus one more per Tech spent:
An aware Faction doesn’t decide to actively undermine the Wonder.
An aware Faction decides to desperately prepare for the Wonder roll, either by trading or by gaining Treaties on you.
Gain 1-Treaty in a Faction of your choice.