House Rule!

House Rule!

House Rule!

In our ongoing “Solar Flare” campaign, two players decided to keep playing with their Characters in a new age. They had very positive Backstories for starters. So I decided that if they could write one more Bond with each other they could roll with Advantage once when their ally would Call for Aid.

Any thoughts?

How often Characters form alliances that stand the test of time? How often Characters play more than one age in your games?

Hey all – favor to ask. Will any of you please post an example or two of combat in Legacy?

Hey all – favor to ask. Will any of you please post an example or two of combat in Legacy?

Hey all – favor to ask. Will any of you please post an example or two of combat in Legacy?

Question- the world of the legacy game I am running is wracked by a psychic maelstrom from the Fall.

Question- the world of the legacy game I am running is wracked by a psychic maelstrom from the Fall.

Question- the world of the legacy game I am running is wracked by a psychic maelstrom from the Fall. One of the players asked if he could be essentially the Brainer or Savyhead from Apocalypse World. The Savyhead I have paralleled to the Scavenger but Brainer I can think of anything.

Is there any opinions how i can represent something attuned or talented in the tapping of the Maelstrom?

As the turning of ages brings 2016 to a close and takes us into a whole new year, I’m pondering what direction to…

As the turning of ages brings 2016 to a close and takes us into a whole new year, I’m pondering what direction to…

As the turning of ages brings 2016 to a close and takes us into a whole new year, I’m pondering what direction to take Legacy in.

The game is something I’m very proud of, but people consistently seem to have issues with the character /family divide. Particularly, how you shift from the character level to the family level and back again, and how to arrange things so you don’t have endless scenes of character X in their own talking to their family. As I’m starting work on writing the revised edition, I thought I’d present some possible solutions to the community and hear your thoughts!

First up, keep things basically the same as they are now, but better explain the desired flow of the game and add a lot more examples of play.

Second option is to add in strict Family and Character phases, and rewrite moves where needed so that all Family moves have roughly the same scope and timescale, as do Character moves.

Third, focus much more on one side of the game. Maybe remove character playbooks and have each family give some simple character templates to choose from, or maybe simplify family playbooks down to just the effect they have on your character.

Finally, you probably have your own ideas. Let me know what they are!

So the playbook for Cultivators of the New Flesh is pretty different between what is in the main Echoes of the Fall…

So the playbook for Cultivators of the New Flesh is pretty different between what is in the main Echoes of the Fall…

So the playbook for Cultivators of the New Flesh is pretty different between what is in the main Echoes of the Fall source book and what is in the separate color spreads file or print-friendly version included with the PDF purchase. Personally I like the Move structures from the sourcebook version better, so that’s what I’ve agreed to let my PC use for her family. That said, I’m curious if there is an ‘official’ position on which is ‘correct’. Does anyone know?

Question – is it ok to have families and characters earn new surpluses or gain new needs simply as results of the…

Question – is it ok to have families and characters earn new surpluses or gain new needs simply as results of the…

Question – is it ok to have families and characters earn new surpluses or gain new needs simply as results of the fiction? (Rewards and consequences). If so, how would that work? Also – what’s the difference between Barter Goods and Trade?

I’m currently reading NK Jemisin’s The Fifth Season – winner of last year’s Hugo Award – and it’s excellent if…

I’m currently reading NK Jemisin’s The Fifth Season – winner of last year’s Hugo Award – and it’s excellent if…

Originally shared by Jay Iles

I’m currently reading NK Jemisin’s The Fifth Season – winner of last year’s Hugo Award – and it’s excellent if exceptionally grim. The basic gist is that it takes place in a land constantly wracked with extreme geological turmoil. Society has been shaped by the constant pressure to survive, such that people count the regular eruptions that make the world uninhabitable for months or years at a time as a fifth season that just happens a bit less regularly than the other four.

Every bit of civilisation is geared towards preparing for the next Season, from constant maintenance of food stocks and fallow land within a settlement’s walls to strict organisation of the population into castes so that everyone knows and is prepared for their role. Inexplicable artefacts from long-gone DeadCivs scatter the landscape, underlying how long this turmoil had been going on for.

Reading this, I couldn’t help but think of Legacy. It wouldn’t take many edits to replicate this setting in-game: the main thing that would need to change is the idea that each turning of age represents another step towards building a new civilisation. In a Fifth Season-inspired game, each Turning of Ages would instead be a Season of turmoil and danger in which each family has to retreat to safety and trust in their supplies, and there would be no question of escape from the Fall.

There’s another thing the book does structurally that for me really underlines the constant danger of this world. Its story jumps between three different time periods, and in each you know that the safety and community the characters find won’t last as you’ve seen that it’s gone in the later periods. I’m still tossing around ideas for how you’d create a similar effect in-game, but you could maybe jump around at each turning of age rather than progressing linearly forward. After one age you might look a few centuries back, after the next age a couple of generations later.

Now this does cause issues for things like homeland map keeping and a sense of achievement/advancement, but there are some ways around that:

1. Start with the assumption that the map will be wiped clean after every Age, except for the artefacts of the Before that you uncover.

2. Assume that knowledge gained can be lost, and knowledge lost can be retained. That way you can advance your family and take those stats into the next age even if it was chronologically far in the past – it’s simply that your family in the present is rediscovering old glories.

3. If the Apocalypse is ever-present, I’d give everyone a new basic move based on sensing its movements to demonstrate that awareness of disaster is a constant part of their mindset. For example, people in the Fifth Season have sensing organs in the brain that let them detect tremors in the earth and incoming eruptions before they happen (with the implication these were engineered in when things had only just started going south). You could add something like a hyper-awareness of astronomy if your problem was solar flares, or the ability to, say, read the psychic maelstrom that occasionally ramps up and drives outsiders to madness. In The Fifth Season some people can use the sensing organs to manipulate the earth and shape volcanic activity – maybe rewrite some moves of the Remnant in your game to fit the tone of the apocalypse.

4. Focus your play agenda on either experiencing all the different ways communities have tried to survive or coming to an understanding as a group on the cause of the Apocalypse and a way of fixing it. This may help provide some direction, even as you jump around the timeline.

5. Maybe don’t decide when you start an age where it falls in the timeline – let that grow organically as you pick through the ruins of prior ages and create the things later generations will find only fragments of.

In any case, it’s a great read though be warned it starts with a very emotionally intense passage of child death and maintains a similar tone throughout.

Legacy: Mirrors in the Ruins is now in print!

Legacy: Mirrors in the Ruins is now in print!

Originally shared by Jay Iles

Legacy: Mirrors in the Ruins is now in print!

It looks lovely in person – I think DTRPG have really upped their print quality and the art is striking. This means you can also pick up all of the Legacy line to date in print and PDF using this bundle:

The one thing you can’t get in print yet is character sheets. One idea I’ve been tossing around is that DriveThru do cards in US letter size (8.5″ x 11″) so you could get the playbooks and move reference sheets in full colour for ~$7 + shipping. If that would interest you, let me know and I’ll get working on testing it out!