Okay, this should get this project advanced enough that I can get back to my Bystander novel and Divine Blood shorts…

Okay, this should get this project advanced enough that I can get back to my Bystander novel and Divine Blood shorts…

Okay, this should get this project advanced enough that I can get back to my Bystander novel and Divine Blood shorts and RPG.

This is the really raw and unplaytested playbooks and basic rules for the “trapped in an MMO” style story.

If anybody is interested in commenting or, even better, playtesting it with some of their friends, that would be great. I have other projects I need to advance first. But did want to share this.

Tell me if you can’t open the individual files…I haven’t done dropbox this way before.



So, I tend to get more interest and response if I brainstorm here.

So, I tend to get more interest and response if I brainstorm here.

So, I tend to get more interest and response if I brainstorm here.

I am considering a hack meant for running the “trapped in the game” style stories along the lines of the following bits of fiction:


Dungeons and Dragons Cartoon


Sword Art Online

Log Horizon

I’m trying to decide on some playbooks, stats and basic moves.

thinking of taking some ideas from Dungeon World.

Instead of Race, Role and Style that can be chosen for each playbook:





Build Up


playbook ideas:

The Hacker

The Tactician

The Relic Collector

The Explorer

The Role Player

The Power Gamer

The Player-Killer

The Craftsman


The Mob

The Merchant

If I did, I think I might want to playtest along the idea of a couple of settings I had in mind:

Great Mysteries – a Secret World style game where each character also built a summon which could aid them or protect them. (So Sort of Fate/Stay Night meets Secret World)…had three conspiracies focused on different styles: psychic, magic and tech.  And the summons are actually legitimate living AIs.

Adeptive Engine – the theory is that there is an open source gaming engine that gets used for dozens of new games all the time, some good and long lasting, others not so much…and secretly every time a character is made in the game, the character comes into real existence with the player’s memories in an alternate reality…complete with game style option windows and HUDs.  And some people have crossed “games”.

The Missing Server – where the characters weren’t always trapped in the game, but the VR set was periodically causing them to astral project to an actual fantasy setting and each time it did so, their soul became more like that of their character in race and power and carried a little bit back into the world of Earth with them.

Are there any special offers for those of us that bought the first edition of Monster of the Week to get the revised…

Are there any special offers for those of us that bought the first edition of Monster of the Week to get the revised…

Are there any special offers for those of us that bought the first edition of Monster of the Week to get the revised edition published by Evil Hat? I’m grateful for the free Revised Edition Handouts, but am curious about the rest of the book as well.

I’m altering a one-shot I ran for friends while in the States for vacation right now for two purposes, one is to…

I’m altering a one-shot I ran for friends while in the States for vacation right now for two purposes, one is to…

I’m altering a one-shot I ran for friends while in the States for vacation right now for two purposes, one is to give to a friend as a scenario to offer her GMs to run in a con she runs gaming events at and the other to release as a PWYW book on DrivethruRPG to be used basically as inspiration fodder.

I am also considering writing a book with how to model my Divine Blood setting using the MotW ruleset.  I figure it would be easy enough to use to reproduce a handful of action/investigation based campaign styles for my setting (the main RPG for which is Fate-powered).

I know that part of the fun of MotW is deciding the mythology as you go, but I’d like to offer my setting in multiple systems anyway. It wouldn’t be an extensive book, mostly a summary of the setting and suggestions for things like sects and such and how to handle the fact that most supernaturals in Divine Blood are average people rather than heroes or monsters.

Is this a thing that people would be interested in?

I’ve been listening to some podcasts, lately, and I heard of this thing called “Monster of the Week”…

I’ve been listening to some podcasts, lately, and I heard of this thing called “Monster of the Week”…

I’ve been listening to some podcasts, lately, and I heard of this thing called “Monster of the Week”…

…hmmm… I thought…

My youngest daughters (17 and 21) love Supernatural and my wife is a big fan of Charmed and various Urban Fantasy novel series…

So… I bought it…

Then I found this G+ Community.


So we have had three different chosen ones die in their first games, has anyone else had this hilarious and…

So we have had three different chosen ones die in their first games, has anyone else had this hilarious and…

So we have had three different chosen ones die in their first games, has anyone else had this hilarious and anticlimactic experience?

1st chosen: Betrayed our team by stabbing our sorcerer through the throat, before brutally meeting a assault rifles muzzle. (This chosen one is now blessed by Satan as a headless obsidian sword wielding bad-ass, my favorite recurring villain)

2nd chosen: Betrayed his team by attempting to destroy our robotic construct and embraced the wrong end of a flamer thrower. 

3rd Chosen: was riddled by sub-machine gun fire before being decapitated by their sidekick…

come to think of it… its more my gaming buddies betraying each other that’s the problem…

Now here is a question concerning monsters.

Now here is a question concerning monsters.

Now here is a question concerning monsters. While the main monster of a game can easily be built by using the normal monster generation rules, what if you’re dealing with a situation with a master monster and a bunch of lesser monsters working under him/her/it. For instance say for instance say you have an ancient vampire who turns a number of girls around town into his “Vampire Brides”. The brides should likely be weaker than the Master Vampire but probably more dangerous than a Minion. This also could apply to other cases where a Demon might have a cult of dark priests who get supernatural gifts or a Voodoo priest raising a horde of zombies.

The way I’ed do it is basically grab an appropriate hunter template (such as the Monstrous), pick some appropriate generic moves (but working them like Monster Powers) and there you go instant tough monster minion. As for harm, should the lesser monsters have as much harm as the PC’s have (Aka 7 harm capacity), or should they be one-hit kills?