A fan who runs a bunch of WWW sent me his home games custom Gimmicks.

A fan who runs a bunch of WWW sent me his home games custom Gimmicks.

A fan who runs a bunch of WWW sent me his home games custom Gimmicks. There’s a ton of stuff in here! Some of them are very clearly about emulating a specific wrestler. It’s going to take a while for me to really look through everything but y’all may be interested in browsing (for ideas, or to snag one for your own game!)


Does it make sense to remove the add +1 to a stat advance and encourage the players to instead take (or create) a…

Does it make sense to remove the add +1 to a stat advance and encourage the players to instead take (or create) a…

Does it make sense to remove the add +1 to a stat advance and encourage the players to instead take (or create) a stat boosting move from a Gimmick sheet.  This would to be the same mechanically while adding to the fiction of the game.  Win – win, or am I missing something?

Hey there

Hey there

Hey there,

I made a small change to one of the Iconoclast’s custom moves, so I guess this is version 2.1. I made the Sideshow before I saw the Provocateur playbook, and I’m shelving the Sideshow until I can make it more unique.

So here’s Iconoclast 2.1!

The Iconoclast

You’re a gunslinger, a giant-killer, a career-ender. Your talents are wasted on jobbers and wannabes; your prey are the greatest heroes and vilest villains that the wrestling universe has to offer. You will forge your own legend from the broken bodies and shattered egos of past greats…until the day that a new generation of Iconoclasts comes for you.


Look -1

Power -1

Real +1

Work -1

Add +1 to one stat.

Heat Questions

Who has the potential to be on your hit-list someday?

Who has a beef with you because of what you did to their mentor?

Who do you secretly mark out for?

Who thinks your lust for glory is bad for the business?

Starting Audience



Finishing Move – When you’re booked to win a match, roll 2d6. On a 10+, you hit your Finisher clean. Choose whether you or your opponent gains +1 Audience. On a 7-9, they make you work for it. Choose: your killer instinct takes over and you get +1 Heat with them; or you make them look mighty in defeat and they get +1 Audience. On a botch, choose: you look like an amateur and lose -1 Audience or you take things too far and injure your opponent.

Calling Down The Thunder – When you cut a promo on a wrestler with an Advanced Role, roll +Real. On a 10+, choose 2, on a 7-9, choose 1: book yourself a match with the target of your promo, get +1 Heat with the target of your promo, gain +2 Momentum. On a botch, choose: lose -1 Audience or get booked in a punitive match.

Choose 1:

Apex Predator – Take +1 Work.

Pack Leader – Your natural charisma attracts the new blood and inspires them to take the fight to the old guard. When you try to incite rebellion, roll +Look. On a 10+, you win them over. Choose 1: book the finish of a match you’re not in, gain an Enforcer for one episode. On a 7-9, they follow…for now. Choose 1: add or remove the stipulation on a match you’re booked in, give +1 Momentum and gain +1 Heat. On a botch, they’re not impressed. Choose 1: lose -1 Audience, suffer disciplinary action backstage, or get beaten down by your would-be followers.

Hungry Young Lion – Take +1 Real (max +3)

In the Cross-Hairs – When you mark a wrestler without an Advanced Role for destruction, roll +Work. On a 10+, you treat them as if they had an Advanced Role for the rest of the feud and gain +2 Momentum. On a 7+, you treat them as if they had an Advanced Role for the rest of the feud and they choose 1:  gain +1 Audience, start every match with you with +1 Momentum, they gain +1 Heat with you and you lose -1 Heat with them. On a botch, you lose all of your Momentum.

I Like to Hurt Old People – When you attack a wrestler with an Advanced Role, you can choose to spend -2 Momentum and lose -1 Audience to seriously injure your opponent. They must check off two injury boxes instead of one.


When you are injured, check an injury box. Whenever you lose a match due to your injury, lose -1 Heat. When you push through your injury to win a match, gain +2 Heat.

If you have three checks, you can no longer compete.

Injury Boxes – 3

Wanted to shout out one of Wrestling’s Greatest Heroes/Decapitators, Radical Larry.

Wanted to shout out one of Wrestling’s Greatest Heroes/Decapitators, Radical Larry.

Wanted to shout out one of Wrestling’s Greatest Heroes/Decapitators, Radical Larry.


When you start a match you don’t want, Roll +Frustration.

On a 10+, you hit your opponent in the genitals with a microphone.

On a 7-9, you gain +1 heat with an opponent, but something will explode midmatch.

On a botch, creative changes your name, hair and outfit.


I have been toying around with doing a promotion based on Kaiju Big Battel.

I have been toying around with doing a promotion based on Kaiju Big Battel.

I have been toying around with doing a promotion based on Kaiju Big Battel. Not quite sure how to work in the backstage element, but it could be fun I think.



https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RhHEK8tb-A5unIxHmIbq1cceq9nfc7rjbsWkbRPc4Xk/edit And a repost of the Prodigal,…

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RhHEK8tb-A5unIxHmIbq1cceq9nfc7rjbsWkbRPc4Xk/edit And a repost of the Prodigal,…

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RhHEK8tb-A5unIxHmIbq1cceq9nfc7rjbsWkbRPc4Xk/edit And a repost of the Prodigal, so that it’s under the Backstage Workshop tab.

We haven’t had a new gimmick in a while.

We haven’t had a new gimmick in a while.

We haven’t had a new gimmick in a while. Just like you pathetic, lazy Americans to rest on your laurels. But here is my newest…THE FOREIGNER! He has a craaaaaaaaaazy passport!


I’m tempted to have a custom move to describe a troublesome/rowdy/distracted/disengaged crowd.

I’m tempted to have a custom move to describe a troublesome/rowdy/distracted/disengaged crowd.

I’m tempted to have a custom move to describe a troublesome/rowdy/distracted/disengaged crowd. (A “Philly Crowd” move? I’m from NJ; I get to make that joke.) This basically happened at our last Queen City Combat session: a demo match between two NPWs had a mediocre fashion, so we just had the crowd get caught up in chanting things that weren’t on our t-shirts.

But you know, this can easily just be handled by using and extended the existing Hard Moves and Principles that we have, and by embracing fictional positioning. So here’s a way to do that:

On a Botch, one possible Hard Move is that the crowd goes bad. Maybe they get smarked out into chanting internet references or they start chanting the name of a retired restler, or they just start yelling “BO-ORING” over and over again. The result: you just cannot Cut a Promo (“WHAT?!”) or Work The Audience (“WHAT?!”) because you literally cannot be heard above the crowd – until you do something about it.

What that “something” is up to you and what makes sense to the table. Maybe just a good successful move, or some legit shenanigans to shut down the crowd a bit, or maybe Creative will allow the Interrupt move to give you a chance to interrupt them – if you’ve got the Momentum to burn, you may have a chance to break through.

This might be me doing the newb thing where I don’t understand a rule so I create a rule that’s actually more…

This might be me doing the newb thing where I don’t understand a rule so I create a rule that’s actually more…

This might be me doing the newb thing where I don’t understand a rule so I create a rule that’s actually more complicated, but I don’t know. Anyway, here’s the story:

Last week I played a first session episode with four players. All four of them were totally new to pro wrestling. I haven’t watched since the WWE Attitude Era, but I have a lot of friends “in the know” so I kinda-sorta know my stuff. However, I did not know my stuff well enough to shephard four newbies through a quality sports entertainment event. We had a lot of fun, but there was some awkward moments.

To address those moments, next session I’d like to make stronger use of NPWs to help give a sense of what a wrestling promotion is like. That means more matches with NPWs, and storylines involving the NPWs. But since NPWs aren’t rolling dice, I feel like the matches might be a little one-sided or boring. So I thought of this custom move to help matches with NPWs be a little more dynamic:

Taking a Bump

When your opponent hits you with a move and you want to sell the hell out of it, roll +Real.

   -On a hit, it’s a sick bump and the crowd pops. Choose +1 Heat with your opponent, or gain +1 Momentum and take control of the match.

   -On a partial, you sell the move but it ain’t highlight material. Choose: +1 Momentum, or take control of the match.

My question is, would this move work in its purpose of creating more dynamic matches when players are facing off against NPW’s? Or do I just need some technical help in how to run good matches?

Also, if this move does seem cool, I’m thinking of a couple of extra custom moves that can play off of it, like a Jobber move that gives him +1 ongoing on this move, or a Veteran move that lets him use +Look instead of +Real.

What do ya’ll think?